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"You okay baby?" Livvy asked me while we were sitting in the studio waiting for Lindsay and everyone else to arrive. I looked over at her with a smile resting my hand on her thigh giving it a small squeeze before slowly starting to rub it. I leaned into her resting my lips against hers before slowly pulling away, her gaze meeting mine with a hesitance as I shook my head before reaching up and resting the knuckle of my index finger under her chin.

"I am more than okay Livvy, I have you next to me and that makes me feel better than I have ever felt" I said as she smiled at me, my thumb coming up to run over her perfectly pouted lips before I pressed my lips against them again. I smiled as she pulled away before she cuddled into my side, my arm resting low on her waist as she cuddled into me, my lips pressing into her hair as she let out a sigh.

It was just the two of us here right now, I had decided to come early to work on a song and Livvy wanted to come with me like always. It was an amazing fucking feeling to have the girl that I was with want to be so voluntarily involved in my career. All of the other girls that I was with--including the fucking bitch that brought me here today--I always had to shame into coming to watch me work. The only time I didn't have to do that was when I was on tour, I think it was the fucking thought that they would be seen with me and gain some kind of second-hand fucking popularity from me that made them okay with doing that. But when it came to being with me alone in the studio, they always treated it like it was the plague. But not Olivia.

She loved sitting and watching me try to find a melody on my guitar, she loved watching me create beats on the computer, she loved watching me write music as she would cuddle up next to me asking me if she could help me to which I always fucking told her that she was always my inspiration for music these days and it felt so good to have a muse that wasn't toxic. Of course, there were times where I would include a song about my past and for each one, she would always ask me what I was feeling when whatever event had happened or she would ask me what the song was about. Did it feel weird talking about a fucking ex-girlfriend with her...fuck yes. But I fucking loved that she wanted to know about it, and I never wanted to hide anything from her.

There were even times when she would climb into my lap and help me make beats on my computer or I would teach her a few chords on the guitar before we got too lost in each other to continue. Writing music for me had never been a more fulfilling experience than it was now that I was with Olivia. I should've known that it was going to be an amazing experience having her be a part of it with me ever since the first time she came to listen to me record in the studio at home in Utah. She was exactly what I needed in my life, not just for me personally but for my career as well.

"I love you Austin" she said quietly, her voice breaking the comfortable silence that had hung between us after I told her that I was okay. I squeezed her tighter, my lips attaching to the top of her head as I left a long kiss, my eyes closing at the feeling of this amazing woman in my arms before I pulled away allowing her a little freedom to sit up more comfortably as she looked at me before reaching up to gently cup my cheek in her palm.

"I love you too Olivia" I said as she leaned towards me tilting her head back perfectly allowing me to press a soft kiss to her lips, the sound of people making their way into the dimly lit interior making us reluctantly pull apart from each other as Cheryl, Dre, my Dad and Jodie walked through the door to the studio.

"Where is she? Has anyone heard from her?" I asked looking primarily at Cheryl and Dre as they both shook their heads no. I let out a frustrated sigh looking over at Olivia as she shifted to a more comfortable position next to me, her feet coming up to rest on the cushion of the leather couch, both of her arms wrapped around her legs as she let out a sigh before letting her head fall onto my shoulder making me chuckle despite the nervousness that was suddenly starting to course through my veins at the arrival of my parents, Dre and Cheryl. Of course Lindsay was going to be late, she was going to draw this out as long as she fucking could because she knew I was that fucking desperate to get rid of her.

You Want Me And I Want You || Post MaloneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin