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I sat at the kitchen island with my head resting in my hands and my leg shaking vigorously on the stool, the glass ashtray in front of me already three quarters of the way fucking filled with completely smoked or half smoked cigarettes, another dangling between my lips not yet lit as I tried to piece the recent events together. I don't know how the fuck she could be doing this to me, I mean we've had some fucking insane arguments, but I would never fucking touch her. I would never dream of hurting her no matter how I fucking felt about her. As far as mentally abusing her, fuck if anything she was fucking mentally abusing me, the fucking manipulation that she fucking put me through was unfucking real yet here I fucking was being called out for fucking abusing her. The fucked up part is people would fucking believe her.

I let out a sigh grabbing my lighter, holding the flame to the end of my cigarette before taking in a deep inhale, the nicotine not even seeming to calm down my fucking nerves or make me any less fucking angry with that fucking bitch then I was right now. I rested my head back in my palms, my cigarette quickly burning down while it hung lifeless between my lips, as I closed my eyes taking in a sharp breath. Seeing me and Olivia together had to be the fucking reason she did this. There were a few pictures that got out of us walking around Paris together and a few recently of her and I shopping at Costco and I know she didn't want to see me fucking happy. Fuck, she probably signed the divorce papers in the first place because she thought Liv was fucking gone and she thought I'd be alone and unhappy the rest of my fucking life, so seeing me with Liv was probably a slap in her fucking face but I really didn't fucking care.

I lifted my head bringing my cigarette back to my lips as Dre, Louis and Smitty walked into the kitchen, Dre resting his hands on my shoulders as he gave them a quick squeeze before he sank in the stool beside me. I rested my thumb against my temple as I closed my eyes and took in several calming breaths as I heard Dre let out a sigh before pulling out his own cigarette sparking it lit.

"We're gonna figure this out Post" he said resting his hand on my back giving me an extremely sympathetic stare as I laughed and shook my head. "I have to know though, did it ever escalate passed yelling?" he asked as I looked over at him slowly letting out a sarcastic laugh.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now? I don't care how I felt about that fucking bitch whether I hated her, tolerated her or loved her I would never fucking lay a hand on her Dre and you fucking know that" I said staring at him as I brought my cigarette back to my lips and took a long drag.

"I know Post and I'm sorry man. I just wanted to make sure" he said, his eyes resting on the beer that was sitting next to me and the ashtray that was starting to overflow with butts before looking back up at me. "Are Liv and your parents coming back man?" he asked as I gave him a slow head nod. "Alright let us know when they are here" he said as he got off the stool, his hand giving my back a soft tap before he walked away.

I let my head fall into my hands again as I let out yet another sigh. I hadn't told Livvy why I needed her to come home, I didn't want to worry her—even though I'm sure she was worried anyway—and I didn't need my parents upset. Things have been going so fucking well. I was fucking engaged to the girl I loved more than anything, we weren't in a hurry to get married but I knew that neither of us weren't going to go anywhere so it didn't matter. Our life was finally fucking perfect and now Lindsay had to resurface with this fucking bullshit. That fucking bitch just didn't want to see me happy and as far as I was concerned it wasn't a fucking coincidence that it happened after France especially not after what happened with Marine.

I closed my eyes taking in a deep breath before bringing my cigarette back to my lips taking in a deep drag, the buzzing of my cellphone off of the marble startling me from my thoughts. I quickly picked it up thinking it was Livvy only to see Cheryl's name appearing on the screen.

You Want Me And I Want You || Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now