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Win shifted to his new house over the weekend.

On monday, he will begin his new life as Metawin Teepakorn.

He kinda understood his father's reasoning. He was just a rich kid in America, but here, he was a fucking billionaire. While he always got attention for his looks and money, he knew this was different.
He liked attention, Didn't mean immense of it was likable to him.
He got attention when he was a kid from media and everyone else. But he went to America when he was like twelve or thirteen, so he was unknown to the people of Thailand. Everyone knew the name of the Win Metawin Opas-Iamkajorn, but didn’t know it was him.


"It's as beautiful as I remember", Win stood in front of the GMM University, the top University in his homeland.

He pouted a little as he had to walk here from his apartment. At least, it was not way far from there.

'GMM here I come, the Win Metawin Opas-Iamkajorn ', he thought confidently, but his thoughts got butchered by his dad's talks. 'You are Teepakorn'

He went to the principal's room.

He knocked on the door to go in.

" Good morning, sir. I'm -"

"Metawin Teepakorn, or shall I say Opas-Iamkajorn? ", he smiled at him.

Win returned the smile a bit.

" well, let's go then Mr. Teepakorn. I know you may find it ridiculous by faking. But who knows, maybe you will like it? A new experience. Think of it as an adventure. "

"Hope so, professor "


He got introduced to a new Professor.

She told him to come in as when asked to.

He kinda started mid semester since he kept delaying coming to Thailand.

So he had to introduce himself to the class. It felt like he was that thirteen years old kid who got into a completely different world to stand up for himself. He hated that feeling actually.

The Professor called him inside.

And he stood infront of a bunch of new people.

"Why don't you introduce yourself? ", she said.

So he took a deep breath and showed his signature bunny looking smile, " Hello, I'm Metawin op- Teepakorn. But you can call me Win. I lived in the states. Recently shifted here."

Whispers broke out in the classroom.

"Wow, you are handsome"

"Handsome? No, he's pretty"

"Aaa I'm so jealous of his high cheekbones "

He smirked hearing the compliments.

But suddenly it all went down.

"What does your Family do?", some girls asked him.

Win didn’t have a good feeling about this. " u-a I dont think that is your business"

"Oh comme on, don't be petty. Tell us"

He sighed, "my fathers runs a small business and my mom is a housewife." he felt weird lying but he wasn’t really. His father does business or businesses. And his mom a housewife, not just a typical one"

"Aaa so you are a commoner ", she mocked him.

Whispers broke out again.

He was dumbfounded for a moment.  was he getting judged because he was a commoner....what the actual fuck.

" Alright, mr. Metawin. take a seat"

He looked around and he was corner seat as he liked. But when he got there, a girl stopped him, "sorry, this place Isn't for a commoner,  sit somewhere else "

He rolled his eyes. then turned to take another seat.'what a bitch! What was she? Like 5?'

He wanted to give her a fitting reply, but his father warned him not to get in trouble. And this girl smelt like trouble.


It was lunch time. He wanted to go to cafeteria, but he forgot the way.

'Ah should have taken a picture of the map' he mumbled and walked, just to bump into someone.

He fell on the ground.

"Ah-sorry. I wasn’t looking", He tried to be polite,even tho it wasnt really his fault.

But the person who bumped into him, didn’t care, he stared at him for a sec, but ignored him to walk away.

He rolled his eyes, " oh my god, this place is filled with rude people"

He somehow got into the cafeteria. He was literally crying inside, "ah im famished, lemme get something good"

He took his foods to find a table. Since he wasn’t familiar with anybody, he sat down at a empty table.

He felt everyone staring at him. 'What NOW '

He was nearly done eating his food, when he heard the whispers.

He looked up to see three girls, that girl's group of his class walking towards him.

'Oh my god, what is this? Mean girls 3?' he snickered at his own thought.

Then the girls stood in front of him with arms crossed.

"Get out, its our table"

He raised it eyebrows, "is it? I didn’t see any names on it"

"Ugh, get off, you commoner"

He rolled his eyes for the Nth time, "relax girl, I'm nearly done anyway, wait a sec. The table is empty. Sit there"

The girls sat down despite fussing.

And when the thought they are done clowning, the leader of the grouo spoke up.

" hmm..you got a nice body. Put aside these cheap cloths. if you put some brandy cloths, you would look handsome", she smirked and poked her fingers on his chest.

He leaned away, "i think I'm wearing right." He was just simply wearing a hoodie and a baggy pant. He was the least expensive thing he owned, but it wasn’t as cheap as they thought. 'Lmao they are guessing on my so called status'

"Nope, you aren’t. Where did you get this fake ass hoddie. Looks sure real. Damn boy, you are good at pretending"

"Hmm...I'm definitely not pretending. Why do I need pretty cloths to make myself pretty?  I'm pretty anyway. Can't you see me? You can't get these high cheekbones even with plastic surgery, like the boobs gurls", he pointed at her chest.

The girl went red in embarrassment, then said, " what tf did you u bitch. Those are real!!"

She tried to pick a fight with him, but he got up and left, "sure they are"

The girl fumed with rage and her two minions tried to calm her. While the whole cafeteria watched the show.

Somewhere in the corner, one student whistled, "damn. That boy got some guts."

"Yeah, he's surely interesting ", another guy said

"Dude, you got a boyfriend", person number three.

"I know. I just said a fact"

Meanwhile, someone just stared at boy intensely.

"Hmm...Bright he seems interested in him."

Richie Rich | A BrightWin StoryWhere stories live. Discover now