Chapter 11

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*Jay's POV*

I was still recovering from my traumatic experience in the factory when Karlof attempted to reassure me,

"Don't worry. After while, not so bad. Since you new, I show you how to chop noodles." I pulled on the lever, dropping flour on another worker. "Not that one," he scolded before directing me to the correct one. I pulled that one and successfully chopped the noodles.

"See? Chop. Now don't make trouble."

"Well, I for one don't like following rules. The minute you tell me the coast is clear, I'm busting out of here." Jacob declared before he gestured to me. What an upbeat attitude. You've got to love his positive thinking.

"Even if you get past guards, Mr Blind Guy, there's still the labyrinth guarded by big snake."

"My name's not Mr Blind Guy. It's Jacob. And you may have already lost hope, but not me and not my buddy Jay here. Am I right?" He looked to his right.

"Actually, I'm on your left," I corrected sheepishly.

"Oh, heh," he chuckled nervously. "Hey, you moved on me. Heh. Sneaky ninja."

*Discord's POV* *In the bunks*

Laying in bed, I could hear the groans of people all night. Maybe I shouldn't have gotten Jay out, I would have gotten some good beauty sleep that way.

I heard rustling from below me, "You guys couldn't sleep?" Cole asked in the darkness.

"Not when we still need to get Zane and Jay back," Kai replied also sitting up.

Silently, I adjusted myself so I could hear them better.

"Surely, I'm not the only one who wonders what happened to Reyna, right?" Kai asked out of the blue.

"Of course we do-" Cole was interrupted by Lloyd.

"Yeah, but she's not the priority she never will be."

Ouch, but it's whatever. I tried to convince myself. You don't need them, you never did and you are way better, stronger and smarter than them. If that was the case then why did I feel like I'd just been punched in the gut?

A loud gong and the lights turning on snapped me out of my trance.

"Quick back in bed!" Kai directed.

"Good morning fighters!" Clouse yelled. Oh my FSM his voice makes me want to off myself. "Oh, that's right it's the middle of the night."

I felt someone grab my feet and instinctively kicked them in the face. I jumped off the top bunk and watched as Anacondrai cultists forced roller skates on everyone. A brave one approached me, I hit him with a wicked glare and witnessed him shiver before placing the skates in front of me.

Everyone around me erupted in chaos, filling me with adrenaline.

"Woah, what's going on?" Lloyd asked falling flat on his face.

Kai did the same before his fall was intercepted by Skylor, "Heh, thanks."

Cole raced around, even doing the moonwalk around me smirking. I simply laughed as he spoke, "Oh, I am great with roller skates, my dad trained me with them so don't expect to beat me when I'm wearing these bad boys."

"Is that a challenge starfish?" I raised my eyebrow skating toward him making him cease his circles.

"Who knows Harmony? Maybe it is?"

"Master Chen wants everyone in the Royal arena. I wouldn't be late if I were you?" Clouse announced.

"If most of us have already fought, why are we all in skates?" Skylor asked.

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