Chapter 5

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*Third Person POV*

"Look at that." Cole gasped in awe.

"It's Awesome," Kai agreed.

Karlof shoved Kai out of the way, "Let me see."

"Do you mind?" Kai lifted his hands exasperated.

"Welcome to Chen's Island. The Tournament of Elements welcomes its brave fighters.", Clouse announced.

"Master Chen will be pleased especially you've returned, Sensei Garmadon," He said quietly.

"The pleasure is all mine, Clouse," Garmadon replied.

"I'm sure it is." Clouse pursed his lips.

"Definitely feeling some tension between you two," Jay said raising his eyebrows.

"Yeah, and how is it we're on an island I've never seen on any map?" Kai asked.

"And care to explain how the face to Ninjago's most popular noodle house is secretly assembling an underground fighting tournament?" Cole cut in.

Having had enough with their questions, Garmadon came out with it all, 

"Master Chen used to be a friend. Now he's a traitor. During the Serpentine Wars, Chen turned against his kind and sided with the treacherous Serpentine."

Lloyd asked, "The battle you and Wu fought together in? He was an enemy?"

"He used deception to divide the Elemental Masters. We barely defeated the Serpentine, and in a deal for his surrender, Chen was to never leave this island. Little did we know, he'd begin to build his Criminal Empire from here." he explained solemnly.

"He may have divided our ancestors, but he's not gonna divide us," Lloyd said looking at each of us.

Kai spotted Skylor behind him and quickly pushed us aside, "Uh...ladies first."

Kai saw our annoyed faces, "Fire will melt her icy heart. Just wait you wait"

Garmadon sighed exasperatedly.

"This is a big island. Zane could be anywhere. Keep an eye out." Cole warned.

"So this is the house that noodles built. Ha! Always wanted to go to a red carpet event." Jay smirked.

"Chen lives like a king. Here, he's self-sufficient. The only way on or off this island is with his permission, which you have to earn." Garmadon said.

*Lloyd's POV*

I can't believe Dad didn't tell me about any of this. What happened to trusting each other and having no secrets between us.

"You never told me about any of this." I said hurt, "How do you know so much about this place?"

"Because," Dad paused, probably for dramatic emphasis, "before Chen was my enemy. He was my sensei." he pulled down his sleeve to reveal an Anacondrai tattoo.

I can't believe it. Dad was so devoted to this guy he got a tattoo burned into him. how could he not tell me? I mean he could have found a way to loop it into some weird sensei lesson. how could he keep his from me?

"You never told me you had a sensei," I said accusingly.

"When I was your age, I sought a darker means of guidance. He taught me to win at all costs, no matter who I hurt. It wasn't until you saved me that I saw the light." Okay, I guess that makes up for the whole keeping things from me. Nah, just kidding I'm sick of it at this point.

"Uh, apparently he also never taught you to have a sense of humour. Lighten up, we're in an underground fight club. This is supposed to be fun." Jay said doing a stupid little dance.

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