Chapter 9

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*Third Person POV*

Chen stood grinning maniacally, "Let the tournament continue!"

Loud cheers were his reply with loud hoots from Griffin and Discord. Neuro simply looked at them shaking his head. It was as if he was babysitting children.

"Jay, Master of Lightning versus, Cole, Master of-" Chen was cut off by the yells of Jay and Cole as they charged at one another.

Furious hits were exchanged as they used the best of their elemental abilities. As they fought, thoughts swam through Cole's mind his pride arguing with his conscience.

"Haha! That's all you got, least valuable ninja!" Jay taunted as he countered Cole's attack.

Cole clenched his jaw aiming another attack, "Eat dirt you blue piece of shit!"

They continued to fight, hurling insults at each other. The other ninjas were tense watching them fearing what could become of their team. Jay countered Cole's attack with his Lightning.

"Stronger than you thought, eh? That's your betrayal running through my veins," Jay snarled.

Cole fought the urge to roll his eyes, maybe listening to Discord's advice wasn't such a bad idea after all.

"What are we doing?" he said softly, "I don't want you out. You're not my enemy, Chen is."

Jay scoffed, "Oh sure, lower my guard by pretending to be my friend, then swoop in to steal the prize. Typical Cole manoeuvre."

"I never meant to hurt you, Jay," Cole sighed. "If I knew it would destroy our friendship, I'd take it all back."

Cole was well aware he hadn't done anything but like Harmony said apologizing always helps soften them up.

"Well, if we're being honest, I was upset about losing Nya, but I take the blame for that. I was more upset about losing you. We used to be good friends."

"The best! Right?" Cole agreed, "We should've been honest with each other instead of bottling this up."

"Agreed. But how are we supposed to stop fighting? We can't both win."

"We can draw it out so they have to call it a tie. Quick attack me, but not hard," Cole answered. They fought with each other, it looked as if they were just training.

From the sidelines, Discord watched a smug grin on her face. She knew exactly what Cole was doing. She mentally commended him on his ability to lie so well under pressure. Of course, he wasn't quite as good as her but it was pretty good for an amateur anyway.

Chen frowned, seeing the lack of aggression in their fight, "Ah, what is this pattycake? Release the Condrai Crushers!"

Cole turned to Jay smiling, "I've got your back!"

"And I've got yours."

"Ninja GO!" They teamed up, defending each other against Chen's cultists.

In the spectating grounds, Garamdon turned to his son, "Ah, they fight together. Good work son."

"Yeah, I do listen to you every once in a while."

Annoyed, Chen activated the trap doors, "Enough! I know what you are trying to do. If neither of you will win then both if you shall lose."

"We can't both lose," Cole painted a distressed look on his face, "Chen's right there can only be one."

"It should be you," Jay blurted. Cole took the blade before throwing it to Jay. It was now or never, time to see if Harmony was right.

"I never wanted to win, not with Nya or here. Go ahead Jay," Cole stepped back.

Chen prepared to announce the winner, "Winner! Loser! Master of Li-"

He was interrupted by Jay chucking the blade to Cole.

"I'm sorry man. You're right we're brothers. Win this for us."

Jay was then dropped in a trap door.

Garmadon spoke up, "Jay may be gone. But he did not lose. Let what he did here today be a lesson for us all: know thine enemy, but most importantly, know thy friend. He fought like a true ninja."

He turned to Cole, clapping him on the back, "And you did also, you were fully prepared to lose for your brother's sake."

"Yeah, I guess I was," Cole said dejectedly before making eye contact with Discord from across the room, "Hey, can you guys gimme a sec?"

Looking up at her, he quickly jerked his head signalling that he needed to talk to her outside.

*Cole's POV*

I went outside and waited for Discord to follow. She walked into my view looking around confusedly as I was hidden in the shadows. I quickly, shoved against the wall, trapping her with my arms and glaring down at her.

"How could you do that!?"

"Do what?" she asked innocently.

"You told me to do that. Now my brother's gone, and it's all your fault," I growled.

Before I could even comprehend what was happening, she flipped us around,

"Listen here and listen carefully, I gave you suggestions, not orders nobody asked you to listen to me," she challenged jabbing her finger into my chest.

"Yeah, well nobody asked you to give me your so-called 'suggestions'," I clenched my jaw.

"Actually, I vividly remember you asking me what to do," she smirked at me before whispering in my ear, "You chose to manipulate your brother. You made those decisions yourself. I did nothing. You. Hurt. Your. Brother."

She grinned at me before turning to walk away. Blinded by rage, I roughly grabbed her wrist pulling her flush to me,

"You haven't done yourself any favours, you might want to win this but in the end, no one wins. No one but Chen. You may have gotten Jay out but I'm still here and I'm keeping my eye on you cause I don't trust you for a second."

Discord's breath began to pick up and that's when I realised just how close together we were, I smirked at thought of having such a powerful effect on her. Her breath directly on my ear snapped me out of those thoughts.

"Don't worry about trusting me Brookestone," she breathed sending shivers down my spine, "I wouldn't trust me either."

And with that, she wrestled out my grip sauntering away.

*Discord's POV*

"You chose to manipulate your brother. You made those decisions yourself. I did nothing. You. Hurt. Your. Brother," and with those words, I turned to walk away. Confident that I had irritated him, would have been better if one of the other ninjas had heard though. It would have torn them apart even faster.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a hand roughly grabbing me. Before I knew it I was held flush against Cole.

"You haven't done yourself any favours, you might want to win this but in the end, no one wins. No one but Chen. You may have gotten Jay out but I'm still here and I'm keeping my eye on you cause I don't trust you for a second."

I felt my heart rate speeding up, the feel of his hot breath on my neck was sending my thoughts into a deep spiral. One in which very unholy thoughts existed. Trying to recover my dignity, I turned my head whispering into his ear,

"Don't worry about trusting me Brookestone. I wouldn't trust me either."

With that final note, I sashayed away leaving Cole on his own in the dark.

hi my lovelies, so sorry for the late update things have been crazy for me recently. also tysm for 424 reads it means a lot to me. im thinking of rewriting the first few chaps so look out for that. hopefully there will be a new chap in the upcoming month. gn <3

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