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Tuesday, during the break, Jake joins Sunoo and Jungwon.  They're in the youngest's locker.  "Yesterday I spoke with Sunghoon as planned."  Jake says after greeting them.  "Oh! What did he say?"  Sunoo asks hopefully but notices the older's look.

"He doesn't want to know anything. All he said was.. that Jungwon is not a good person. I tried to prove him wrong but it didn't work."  Jake sighs then looks at the youngest.  "Maybe you should convince him yourself."  He offers with a small smile.  Jungwon shakes his head.  Jake sighs.  "Hmm.. I think I know what to do. Or rather, what to say. You'll have to listen to me Jungwon. Because you'll be the one to say it!"  Sunoo said with a smile.

At lunchtime, Jungwon is outside, sitting on a bench.  He quietly eats his meal as he looks at the texts in his notebook.  He must read each sentences.  They were written by him, but improvised by Sunoo especially.  Jungwon also helped form the sentences and Jake provided ideas.  This plan seems to be the best among all.  The best prepared.

It consists of telling the text created especially for Sunghoon.  This is to convince him that Jungwon really wants to be forgiven and become someone better.  He wants him to know his true personality.  He already knows him, but it's like it's only comedy.  It wasn't.  He showed what he really had in his heart.  Unfortunately, Sunghoon no longer believes in it and considers him evil.

The next day during morning break, Sunoo was noticed with Jungwon.  Heeseung saw them and he grabs Sunoo's arm to pull him away.  "Hey! What are you doing together!? Sunoo don't tell me you're dating!?"  He asks in frustration.  He looks at him with wide eyes and shakes his head. Shit.. what is he going to say?  "No! Don't worry.. it's uh.." He looks at Jungwon who has his head down.

"Stay away from him!! What the hell is your problem Sunoo!?"  Heeseung pulls him away for them to go back to their lockers.  Sunoo scratches the back of his neck nervously.  "Maybe he's not in his clan anymore but that doesn't allow you to see him!! Don't repeat the mistake Sunghoon made. Do you understand!?"  He then asks and waits for an answer.  "Yes. Sorry hyung" Sunoo speaks shyly.  Heeseung sighs, frustrated.

Thursday morning, Jungwon joins Sunghoon as he walks to college.  "Hyung" He says when he's close enough.  Sunghoon wanted to pass straight but he is pulled.  "Hyung! Don't ignore me!"  Jungwon said with pity.  Sunghoon looks at him with a frown.  "I don't want to talk to you."  He simply says and walks.  Jungwon follows him.  "But I do! Listen to me!"  He says taking his arm.

Sunghoon doesn't listen and continues on his way.  "Please. Hyung I want to tell you something."  He insists sadly.  The oldest is just walking.  "Hyung" "Stop talking to me!! It's over between us, still don't understand!?"  He asks in frustration.  He looks at the youngest who seems hurt.  But he doesn't want to pay attention to it.  "Sunghoon hyung.. let me apologize."  Jungwon said desperately.

"Forget it. You're going to disappoint me again. I won't be fooled."  Sunghoon pushes him and leaves.  Jungwon looks at him and sighs, it still doesn't work.  He should prepare better.  Later, during the break.  "I don't know when to do it. I have everything ready!"  Jungwon says and looks at the ground.  "Don't worry. You'll success!"  Sunoo tries to encourage him by patting his back.

"I know him well. He's my best friend. He just wants to get over you."  Jake speaks in turn.  "Oh you know how to do it?"  Sunoo asks hopefully.  He really wants to help.  "Maybe so. Jungwon, try to find a good time. Talk to him and also make gestures. You'll be more convincing to him."  Jake says and smiles.  Jungwon thought for a moment and nodded.

"I will try."  He says then someone unexpected comes.  The three look at him nervously.  "Hey.. I won't do anything mean."  Daniel says with a small smile and looks at Jungwon.  "I withdrew myself from the clan. I couldn't stay if you're not there."  He speaks while surprising the other.  "What? Really?"  He asks, not being able to believe it.  Daniel nods and smiles.  "I missed you hyung" He says sadly and hugs him.

Jungwon was surprised, it hadn't happened for a while.  He places his hands on his back.  Why do so many people care about him?  Yet he made so many mistakes.  He gives a small smile while cuddling him too.  It lasts a few seconds.  "But why? I wasn't responsible and I was just causing trouble. Why did you follow me?"  Jungwon asks, confused.  As if he didn't deserve this.

"That wasn't your real you. Don't forget! Let's stay the way we really are. Let's take off our masks okay?"  He says with a smile.  Jungwon also smiled and nodded.  Then Daniel looks at the two.  "Are you friends with him?"  He asks and they nod.  "Sunoo? I never thought you! You hated him so much!"  He laughs, making him laugh.  "I know~! But I learned that he wasn't that bad."  Sunoo smiled.

"That's good of you! Can we be friends?"  Daniel asks afterwards.  Sunoo quickly agrees.  But Jake doesn't seem so sure.  Daniel looks at him.  "Oh, that's right. I'm sorry for what I put you through. Really. It won't happen again I promise!"  He says sincerely.  Jake thinks and lifts his hand forward, wiggling his little finger.  "Promise?"  He asks then Daniel makes the same gesture.

"Promise!"  He said, catching his little finger with his.  Jake smiles, they are finally going to stop arguing.  The four are happy and they talk for a while before separating for lessons. During the afternoon break, Sunoo is walking around the school and notices two guys who didn't seem happy.  He watches them as they talk.  They are sitting on a bench, dangling their feet like children.

They look like boys who are being punished.  Sunoo approaches them and they notice him.  "Woowoo?"  Niki asks confusedly.  They were indeed less energetic than usual.  "Hey, are you okay? You look sad."  Sunoo said with pity.  "Yeah.. since our favorite hyung and maknae left the clan, we feel like we've lost everything. It's boring without them."  Niki says.

"So much.." Taki then speaks.  Sunoo smiled sadly.  "Don't be so sad. It makes me cry to see that."  He says and it makes them laugh.  He walks closer to them.  "I want to tell you something. In fact, I really think this should be stopped. These clan stories. It's getting too sad and just too much. Because of that, Jungwon almost committed suicide. Did you know that?"  Sunoo says and notices that they are surprised.

"No, we didn't know! When? How? Why?"  Niki asks, wanting to know everything.  "Last week, with a knife and because he didn't think he deserved life."  Sunoo responds quickly to every response.  Both make big eyes.  "He's getting better?"  Taki asks worriedly.  Sunoo nods.  "Don't worry. Jake and I are helping him to be happy."  He smiles.

"Thank you very much! We never wanted him to die. Oh but when I think about it, he often said that he was fed up with life. Every time we asked him about it, he laughed saying  It was a joke. So it wasn't."  Niki speaks and sighs.  Taki looks at the floor, thinking about it.  "Now it's better. Anyway what do you say to stop these stories?"  Sunoo asks then they look at him.

"Agreed!"  Taki said raising his hand.  "Me too! Times twice!"  Niki laughs raising both hands.  Sunoo laughs and claps.  "Good!! There are four of us. I'm sure Jungwon and Daniel also agree."  He says making them smile.  "So we have to do like Daniel and leave the clan?"  Niki asks.  Sunoo nods.

"Say it tomorrow. That way, next week we'll eat at a table for just us!!"  He talks happily.  The two clap happily.  It seemed like a good thing.  Soon finished these stories of clans!  Then Sunoo told Jake, Jungwon, and Daniel about it.  They agreed to eat with them in the cafeteria next week.  They were even delighted with this news.


The end is coming, how sad. 🥺❤️

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