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Thursday morning, Sunghoon is walking to college, and when he is in the yard, he sees someone familiar.  He was in his corner, seated.  Sunghoon frowns and goes to see him.  "Hi what are you doing?"  He asks. Jungwon raise his head towards him and places a hand on his forehead before returning to the ground.  "Hm.. Hi.. you can leave" Jungwon said hiding his face.

Sunghoon frowns and kneels beside.  "Are you okay?"  He asks since he's acting strangely.  "I didn't talk to you" Jungwon said continuing to hide.  "Why do you stay like that?"  Sunghoon asks and he places his hand on his chin to raise his head and see his face.  He notices a wound on his forehead, resembling a cut but Jungwon lowers his head.  "What happened?"  He asks, worried.

Jungwon doesn't answer and puts his hair on his forehead to hide it.  "I wouldn't say. But do you have a  bandage?"  He then asks Sunghoon takes his bag.  "My mom always tells me to bring some. So yeah" He speaks and reaches into his bag.  After a short time, he gives him one.  Jungwon doesn't bother to thank him.

"Why were you sitting here?"  Sunghoon asks out of curiosity.  Jungwon finishes placing his bandage on his forehead.  "I wanted to wait until there were few people there."   He says and stands up, so Sunghoon does the same.  "You should leave."  Jungwon says.  "Wait, why yesterday did you.. you know.." Sunghoon asks but the younger frowns.  "You kissed me.. why?"  He finishes his sentence.

Jungwon sighs.  "I told you to forget."  He says and was going to leave but Sunghoon pulls him by the shoulder.  "That's not a reason."  He said, wanted to know if Jungwon felt the same.  "I don't care, I don't answer."  He says before finally leaving.  Sunghoon looks at him and sighs.  When Jungwon entered the school, he walked for a while looking at the ground.  He can't forget what he did yesterday, it's painful.

While he was thinking, he suddenly hits something with his foot, causing him to fall.  His chin hits the floor and he groans in pain.  He gets up when he hears laughter.  "So how does it feel to fall?"  Jay asks, after putting his foot on purpose to knock him down.  Jungwon glares at him wickedly.  "Shut up" He said and wanted to continue on his way but he is pulled.

"We don't talk like that to older people."  Jay says and smirks.  "We don't hurt the young ones."  Jungwon  frowns as he says that.  He rubs his chin in pain.  "Oh no there's blood. You're going to have to wash up!"  Jay laughs, with Jake.  "It's nice" Jungwon makes some sarcasm before continuing on his way.  He looks at his hand with some bloodstains and sighs.

After washing himself with water, he went to his locker to put away his stuff.  But he literally forgot to be suspicious and so he gets his hair pulled back.  "Argh! Get off me!"  He says and suddenly steps back to hit his back against Sunoo.  But the older one steps forward and has his head banged against the locker.  "No I'm not going to let you go! You deserve it!!"  Sunoo says and pulls his hair again.

Jungwon elbows back, hitting the other's shoulder.  Then he grabs his arm and squeezes his grip tight.  "Ouch!!"  Sunoo says and he is thrown on a locker.  "I didn't do anything to you! Ah!"  Jungwon gets a locker door kick to the back of the head.  He places a hand on his head and looks back, seeing Heeseung.  "Stop hurting Sunoo."  He says with a threatening voice.

Jungwon looks at them angrily.  Then he notices Jay, Jake and Sunghoon on the other side, having seen it all.  "You understood?"  Heeseung asks. "Do you really think so?"  Jungwon asks and frowns.  "Go away and leave me alone!"  He then says, annoyed.  Sunoo gestures to Heeseung, making him nod.

Sunoo shoves Jungwon towards the older one and then Heeseung opens the locker door, slamming his face against it violently.  Sunoo laughs and leaves further accompanied by Heeseung.  Jungwon sits down and puts his hands on his face, it was really hurting.  During the rest of the day, Sunghoon couldn't find Jungwon, even at lunch.  As if he had left college.

So in the evening, Sunghoon looks around checking if he might be there, even if it is unlikely.  He hears the group of enemy friends talking and he quickly hides.  No trace of Jungwon unfortunately.  When they left, Sunghoon walks out of the middle school grounds to go home.  But before he changes course, he sees someone walking.

If his eyes don't lie, it was Jungwon.  He advances discreetly towards him and begins to follow him.  Without knowing why he is doing this, he walks as quietly as possible, for a few minutes. He stops when Jungwon steps onto a bridge and sits on the wood.  Sunghoon frowns, why doesn't he go straight to his house?  He's asking himself.  Then he thinks he hears something.

He listens intently and widen his eyes, it sounded very much like  sniffles.  He sees Jungwon put his hands on his face and he cries silently.  Sunghoon feels bad for him, he didn't expect to see him cry one day given his cold personality.  He waits a while until he thinks he should leave, to leave him alone.  Sunghoon left quietly, without disturbing.


Thanks for reading! Luv youu 😍❤️

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