But d*rn it. Is she doing this on purpose? Why is she only ordering me around? Why won't she let my staff do the heavy tasks too? She just asked them to write down details from our menu.

My back is killing me!

"Hurry up, will you?! It's almost opening time!" she yells and I hear my staff giggling on the sides.

I walked up to her and wiped my sweat off then said, "Hey! Are you doing this on purpose? Ordering me around with the hard tasks? What about you? Why don't you lift a finger?"

"Okay, boss. I'll help you out. You could've just said so." then she removed her polo. It revealed her undershirt and began lifting chairs. She tied her hair up and you can see sweat building up on her nape as she works. The light as it gleams over her moist skin. Ah- this- it's-

As I stood watching her, I slapped my face hard and said, "No. No. Forget it. Wear your uniform already. This goes here and those go there right? I'll do it. Just go at the back. Go! Go!"

"What?!" she exclaimed.

I raised my tone for firmness, "Change into your uniform!"

She stepped back and gulped. I hope the point came across as she answered reluctantly, "Yes, boss."

Sigh. What am I getting myself into?
I have a lot of things in my life to fix.
Danni- she's not my priority right now.

After following her instructions from the restaurant layout, to the menu, I noticed our sales have gone higher after just two weeks. And the rotting merchandise have started moving up sales too. She's pretty clever.

"Danni, come with me for a drive." I called her as she was serving during her shift.

"Hm? Why?" she asked.

"Have a look at my other businesses." I asked her.

She turned to me with this mischievous look and said, "Hmm your sales have gone up didn't they?"

There she goes again. So confident and full of herself. But yes. I guess, credit is due.

"Yes. Thank you so much for helping. You did very well." I told her.

She looked weird as she suddenly began tapping her toes at her back and twisting her body while she twirls her hair on one finger. What is this behavior?

Then she said with her voice at a higher pitch than usual, "Do- don't mention it. I was being paid to work anyways. You did well too." she also began tapping both her index fingers together. Again, what is this behavior? Did she suddenly regress to elementary?

"Okay, let's just go." I told her as I scratch my nape from her behavior.

While driving, she opened up a conversation to ask me, "What degree did you finish?"

"Oh. I did not go to college." I answered.

From my peripheral views, I can see her facing me with her mouth dropping again. I reached to her chin to close it up and laughed. Then said, "Hey, you're salivating again. That's gross."

While holding on her chin, she asked "Why? What happened? But you we're valedictorian for both elementary and high school. You would've nailed college!"

I turned to smile at her sudden flattery and just answered "I worked immediately. My mom and dad separated. After a few months, my dad had me fly to where he was working. My brother stayed with mom."

"You- I didn't know those happened. Why didn't you tell me?" she said in a gloomy tone.

"Well, we aren't particulary close, Danni." I told her.

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