"If you hire me, I'll help you out." I followed while folding my arms. I'm in my element.

After quietly pondering for a while, he finally, leaned back on his chair and said, "Okay, fine. On two conditions."


"What conditions?" I eagerly leaned my elbows on the table and placed my chin on my palms to hear him out.

He chuckled and said, "I also have a laundry house and an international goods store. I'm planning to open up a carwash cafe somewhere too. Help me out with those small businesses as well."

Wow. As expected, Neil, the dark horse smart-ass, would be successful someday. He's invested quite a lot of micro-businesses already for our age. We're just almost in our thirties. How did he do all that?

I didn't know where he went after graduating high school. I had no idea what he did for college. I also did not hear anything about them from mom. All I know is that they moved out. I'm a little curious now.

"Okay. That could be arranged. What's the other condition?" I asked.

"Don't annoy me." he said.

"You're the one who's always starting a fight anyways!" I immediately yelled as he replied with laughs.


"Do I really have to go, mom?" I asked as I loosen my tie in this itchy and scratchy suit. I am about to be dropped off at our Junior-Senior prom night's venue.

"Yes, honey. You are the valedictorian again. You should be there." my mom says and I sighed to it.

"Besides, you even helped set the stage up so why wouldn't you be there. Come on. Socialize a little." she nags.

Hey, I do socialize. I have acquaintances and friends. I'm just not into these kinds of social gatherings. I already told them I can't come too. If they see me, they'll make fun of me.

"Whatever. Just drop me off right there. I'll walk to the venue." I told them and my mom snickered a little but eventually agreed. Ofcourse, I didn't want my friends to see me with my parents anymore. Don't laugh at me. I was a teenager.

And I got off our family car. I was walking by the road side while fanning this polo shirt to ease the heat a little when I suddenly saw her.

If only Danni isn't so annoying and full of herself- how can anyone not appreciate her fair skin as it's wrapped up by this beautiful and sparkly navy blue gown that is thin strapped over her body. Her hair is tied up in a messy bun with little sparkly accessories at the back. She's so- she looked gloom and miserable, yet again.

We were walking up to bump each other anyways so I greeted her, "Are you leaving so soon?"

She stopped, looked up to me and her eyes are again screaming for help. Why is she always like this? Did anybody else put a gum on her hair?

I noticed that she is pulling on her dress up and one of her back strings are falling. I immediately shifted my eyes away. I think it's travelling to places that I shouldn't look at.


I gulped and turned away. Then asked again, "What happened to you?"

Having a hard time talking and with her voice breaking up she insulted me "You wouldn't care. You hate me anyways. And I hate you too. You're a menace. I'll never like you! Get out of my sight!"

I scratched my head because yeah, whatever. Not my problem. Tch. Annoying as f*ck.

She brushed me off and continued to walk away. So I just went on my way as well coming into the venue.

Finding NemoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora