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Romina P.O.V

I sat down, after hours of walking and speaking and my ability to socialize was beginning to disperse. I sat down in the corner of the room and played with a napkin on the table. Seeing as how they conversated our phones. Leaving me here phoneless. I looked up to look and see if I could see anyone I knew. The only pair of eyes belonged to a ruthless backstabbing bitch, going by the name Imani. I stared at her until she decided to look elsewhere. I decided to get up and look for Joseph, in hopes of convincing him to let us leave.

I pushed through the crowds of people, looking for him. But I couldn't find him? It was almost as if he disappeared from this place without a trace. Oh how I wish I could do the same. The amount of people approaching me and berating me over this engagement became maddening. I genuinely wanted to scream in a couple of peoples faces tonight. I fiddled with my hands as I stood in a crowd of people, surrounded with no one I actually liked.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned around instantly. Hoping it would be a familiar face. But it was just cassandra. Damn it.

"Cassandra, always a pleasure" I said sarcastically as she smirked, taking her hands out of her pocket and handing me a folder. "Mina, wish I could say the same." She smiles as I roll my eyes. She pulls me in for a hug.

Cassandra's personality was a force to be reckoned with. She was the true embodiment of a sour patch kid.

I hadn't seen her in years. Not since that day..

"What's this cass?" I ask softly as she lets out a sigh. "I have a great deal of respect for you Romina. So it is in my deepest regards for what is about to happen." She said to me sincerely as the lights began to dim. My heartbeat quickened, I looked up frantically then back at her.

"What's going on?" I asked but she had disappeared faster than I could question her further.

I looked up to see him and cassandra. He had an evil grin on his face, a face I thought and hoped to never see again.

The face of a man who murdered my brother.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you know Romina was a child prodigy. At a bright and young age she had a gift and was destined to share it with the world. Due to unfortunate events, she vowed to never play the violin. But today ladies and gentlemen."

I began to turn and make my way to the door, trying to get out of here. Feeling tears come out of my eyes. My skin felt like it was on fire. My head, as if it were swelling and compressing at the mere thought. "Allow me to introduce you to, Romina Windstor" He said, as the light shined on me. People backed up and I froze. Turning around slowly.

No no no no. This cannot be happening. I felt arms around me pulling me to the stage. Suddenly all that rage and anger had disappeared and replaced it with fear. I was on the stage, blinded by the lights, I realized I still had a folder in my arm so I opened it. It was pictures of him following and stalking me. I looked up at Cassandra and she shook her head. Wanting me to stop looking. So I took a deep breath and stopped.

A violin and a bow.

I closed my eyes as memories flashed through my brain. I opened my eyes and looked around for Joseph. There's no way he would allow this to happen. I looked through the crowd just to see him running from the back room. To a normal person he looked fine, decent. But I could see how much of a mess he truly was. The blood on his collar, scratches on his cheek and bruised, bloody knuckles.

I rapidly blinked my eyes. I can not cry. Not in front of him. Not today..

I looked at him, this man who deserved nothing but a fate far worse than death. "This song is dedicated. To my father, the man who was there the moment I opened my eyes. Congratulations dad. I'm forced to repair what you've broken. Once again." I said as his face filled with disgust.

I placed the bow and violin on me and I closed my eyes. I can't do this. I can't. I looked down to see blood on my hands. His blood.

I stood up, ready to leave but there he was. Standing by me even though he was all the way across the room. He gave me the most comforting look. Suddenly it was like I could read his mind. There's not a lot of things in my life I'm sure about. Some things don't even make sense. But he did, Joseph did.

How do you give someone the world? When they've given you the universe?

"Actually, I would like to dedicate this song to Joseph. My best friend. Someone I admire and wish to be like. Even though I'm one year older than him" Laughter erupts and my head swells. I did the only thing I knew to do to perfection. I played the violin.

And when I was done, the blood disappeared as if it had been washed away. A burden lifted off my shoulders.  As applauds erupted I stood up, wanting to make my way to joseph as he begun to run to me. I held my ear from the mic feedback.

"Now that that's over. Let me tell you all what a massive prick this guy is. I mean this son of a bit actually had the nerve to ruin my baby brothers birthday. Not to mention my little sis." I stopped, my mouth open in shock. I turned around to see Jade.

No one had heard or seen her in years. And here she was in the flesh.

She waved her fingers at me as I smiled. The only one who gave zero fucks. Way more zeros than Christine.

"I now introduce an art piece by me, called revenge" she says smiling at my father. She grabs Cassandras hand and runs. I look around in confusion. "What is she talking about?" I ask Joseph as he shrugs, before we could even process what we just witnessed. Bullets flew through the beautiful windows.

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