Nature 🍀

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"So today, Jungsoo!" Heechul yelled as he jumped towards the sleeping leeteuk "We'll go for meditation in the mountains!"

Leeteuk woke up confused, seeing a smiling and excited Heechul right above his face.

"What did you say?" he asked with a sleepy voice.

"I said we will go camping for three days and then go to the wooden house that I rented for us and meditate in the mountains away from everyone." Heechul replied planting a tiny kiss on Leeteuk's forehead "now handsome guy, get up, prepare yourself and let's go,"

Leeteuk blushed as he felt Heechul's gentle lips touching his skin; it was new for him, the truth that there's someone who cares about him and appreciates his existence. Heechul's gestures always made him feel better no matter how he was feeling, he was more like an angel that was sent to his life to protect him and make his life better. "What about my work?!" He asked before smiling a little as he looked directly into Heechul's sparkling eyes that never left Leeteuk's details.

"Well, I got the permission to take you on a vacation for a month, Siwon agreed and the ceo did too," Heechul replied and then smirked as he looked closer into Leeteuk's eyes "You’re mine this month, manager Siwon can't bother you until you go back to work after a month,"

"Oh," Leeteuk was speechless for a moment before he slowly moved to the back to sit down. "So, I'm free for a month, that's something new!" His smile shined brighter than ever as he spelled these words.

"Go take a bath, and prepare your things," Heechul pat Leeteuk's head and then walked to the living room to wait for him to finish.

                       Hours later

Leeteuk couldn't believe that he was finally able to camp in nature. It was something he always wished to do yet he had never found time to do so.

Am I in heaven? He thought as his eyes scanned every detail of the place with curiosity and his smile was unconsciously curving his lips; maybe it's time for him to relax and have the good time that he deserved.

He was distracted from his thoughts when Heechul placed his hand on his shoulder "Love to see you smiling, handsome Jungsoo," Heechul said smiling as well.

After fixing their tent and preparing everything, the sky was finally getting darker and darker, stars slowly filling it. The both of them sat down near the campfire, eating and having a pretty good talk.

"You know?" Leeteuk said as he enjoyed the warmth of the fire in front of them; the night was indeed colder than during the daytime.

"Hm?" Heechul's eyes moved from the fire in front of him to the smiling Leeteuk on his right.

"This feels so good," Leeteuk placed his hand on Heechul's shoulder before he continued speaking "thank you… I never thought it would feel this good, camping in nature and also being close to a person like you,"

Heechul didn't reply, he just softly smiled and nodded a little before holding his idol's hand, letting Leeteuk know how important and loved he was. He started singing as his fingers gently tickled Leeteuk's palm.

🎶There’s no one like you, even if I look around it’s just like that, where else to look for?
A good person like you, a good person like you, with a good heart like you, a gift as great as you
How lucky that I’m the person who will try his hard to protect you, where else to look for?
A happy guy like me, a happy guy like me, the guy with the happiest smile like me🎶

Leeteuk felt so lucky, his fan, who's now his closest person, was singing for him. He enjoyed listening to his voice as he closed his eyes, something about his voice felt more like home, it was gently healing his heart. He didn't expect his voice to be as good as it is.

Leeteuk's head rested on Heechul's shoulder as he fell asleep - like he hadn't done so for ages that time.

"Pretty angel…" Heechul murmured trying not to wake his man up.

🎶Take my hands silently, hold me silently, I’m only wishing for such little comforts
You don’t know my heart that wanted to do more just for you🎶

He continued singing with a really low voice, maybe the angel that's resting on his shoulder could feel safer that way…

Ps: the song that Heechul is singing here is "No Other - SuperJunior"💕💕

No other - TeukChulDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora