The Stars ~

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I won’t wake him up, let him rest a little more. Siwon said that he doesn’t have anything to do today because everything was postponed. Heechul thought while making breakfast, he was listening to some beautiful songs from Kyuhyun’s albums who is one of his favorite singers other than Leeteuk. 


Ah, what a nice smell! Teuk thought as he woke up, smiled a little. He sat up in his bed confused, why would there be this delicious smell of food in his place and why there’s a Kyuhyun song playing in a low voice. He walked to the kitchen and saw Heechul. Oh, I forgot he’s here, he thought and smiled brightly. 


“Good morning Chul” he said with a muffled voice that barely could be heard as he scratched the back of his head trying to open his eyes well. Half-awake Teuk got himself a cup of water and sat facing Chul watching him cooking; he was so beautiful and pretty that he couldn’t stop observing him, following every step and detail about him. 


“Good morning” Heechul replied and placed a plate of food on the table in front of Teuk “Eat well” he said and sat on the chair facing him. “Did you sleep well?” he asked and gently played with Teuk’s hair.



Leeteuk nodded cutely “yeah, it was comfortable. It’s been so long since, I last I fell asleep like that” he said and munched some of the food, he looked at Heechul “Thank you” he added.


“Why are you thanking me?” confused Heechul asked and stood up to make two cups of coffee.


“For being here”


“I’ll always be, Jungsoo!” Chul answered as he pat Teuk’s head “Just remember that you are precious and amazing and loved… don’t listen to what other people say about you.” He added. Leeteuk nodded and smiled a little. “I have to go now, jungsoo… I have some work to do. I’ll comeback see you in the afternoon, okay?” heechul said and grabbed his phone and keys and left the place.



An hour later, Teuk felt down again, having bad headache and anxiety, he sat on the couch counting things, sat on his balcony meditated for a while and then went in again, grabbed his phone and found a healing playlist on Spotify. Why not try it, he thought as he played the playlist on shuffle. 


Listening to these songs one after the other, his heart felt better. Some of them made him excited that he started dancing and jumping around his room like he had won the lottery. He didn’t know what that feeling was but he felt good, it was like he was in a whole new world. The heavy feeling that occupied his heart before disappeared for a while, feeling the music deeply. 


He tidied his room, his table, cleaned the place while enjoying the music. I’ll do a little strawberry pie, he thought as he entered the kitchen and started baking singing along with kyuhyun’s song. It’s rare for him to feel this good and do things he wanted to do; he has been working all his life that he had never done something he enjoyed since he was little. All he ever did was study and work to help his parents and himself; his family wasn’t that rich, some days passed they couldn’t buy anything to eat but found anything they had at their fridge and cooked something out of it even if it wasn’t enough to make them feel full. He barely saw his family as all of them were busy either working or studying to be able to find a job later to help the family. And when he started working and helping his family as he always wanted, he didn’t have time for himself nor for his friends.

Everyone was blaming him for not talking or contacting them, they never asked how he was nor how he was feeling at that time that he needed someone by his side the most, but all of them left him alone and always threw harsh words towards him for not talking to them first. At that time, he felt that he lost everyone he loved, even himself. He hated himself all that time for not being a good friend for them. His depression played so many tricks on him, he only wanted to run away from everything; it was so heavy for him to fight all of these feelings and hard times he went through back then… he even thought of taking his own life, but he kept fighting all this, and for what? For his parents, for the people he loved, for his fans… he didn’t want to hurt anyone around him, he knew so well how it hurts losing someone so dear, he didn’t want anyone to feel that too…


After hours of listening to music and enjoying his time, he sat down on his bed and picked up the Doraemon plush and stared at it for a while. What if I go out of my house today or tomorrow maybe? I believe I need some time outside in nature, see the flowers, the sky… he thought and got his laptop and searched some things.


“Hey!! I am home!” Heechul’s voice filled up the place, he entered holding way too many bags and asked teuk to help him put them in the kitchen.

“What are all of these for??!” shocked Teuk asked as he helped him hold the things and put place them in the kitchen.

“I got some good food to eat and after that we’re going to watch the stars from the roof… what do you say?” Heechul replied while taking out the plates.

“Sure!” Teuk nodded and gave Chul a cup of water “How was your day today?”

“It was okay, a really busy day” Heechul replied as he sipped the water slowly.



The night has come, both of them grabbed their stuff and climbed up to the house’s roof. In the middle of the roof a beautiful big carpet was placed, surrounded by plants and beautiful shining lights. 

They placed the food they prepared on the floor and sat on the sides. 

“It’s so beautiful here” Teuk said while consulting the place “It feels good” he gently smiled and then looked at Heechul “Did you prepare all of that?” he added. Heechul looked at him smiling wide and nodded. “So that what you were busy doing today?” Leeteuk continued.

“Yes, it is” Heechul replied and took a slice of pizza and gave it to Teuk “Here eat this”. He knew how stressed was Teuk that time, how everything was going wrong and all the bad things that happened in that week which made leeteuk’s mental health worse, that’s why he wanted to make him feel better and relax. 


After they finished eating while laughing their hearts out as they chatted all the night time, they placed the plates and food aside and laid on the carpet watching the wonderful starry night sky above them.


“It’s so good to have you here, heechul” Teuk said as he slowly fell asleep.

Heechul looked at him “So cute” he murmured trying not to wake him up “You deserve all the best” he added and softly planted a kiss on teuk’s forehead making sure this gorgeous sleeping prince was having good dreams.

Here's a little superjunior playlist that I made on Spotify to cheer myself up ~ I hope it helps you heal and feel better too💙

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