Getting Lloyd Back

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The ninja continued their journey to find their missing friend. And it seemed that things were getting a bit better, because..

"I see something!" Nya shouted and pointed at a house.

"Since when is there a house here?" Kai asked as he walked towards his sister, looking at the house.

"Lloyd must be in there!" Zane said.

"Oh yeah?How can you be sure?" Jay asked.

"Look!" Zane said and pointed at a window.

When everyone looked, they saw..

"Garmadon!!" They all shouted.

"Lloyd!!" Misako shouted as she ran to the house.

"Misako,wait!!" Wu shouted as he and the ninja ran to follow her.

With Garmadon.

Garmadon went to Harumi's room to check if Lloyd had finished his food or not.

"Has he finished his food?" Garmadon asked.

"He has.Now he's asleep.But I must say that..he sleep for a long time.It has been 3 hours.And immediately after finished eating." Harumi answered.

"It's normal." Garmadon said.

"I guess." Harumi replied.

Garmadon then walked to Lloyd and picked him up and rested Lloyd's head on his shoulder.

"I sense the ninjas are near.We can't let them find Lloyd!" Garmadon said.

"What are we gonna do?" Harumi asked.

"We hide first!They can't know we're here!" Garmadon answered and went to hide with Harumi and Lloyd.

With the ninja, they just got inside and were trying to figure out where Garmadon was. But not Misako.

"Misako,please calm down.We gotta-" Wu said but Misako just ran off.

"Misako!!" Wu shouted as he ran after her.

"Zane,Nya,go with them!We need to split up!We'll find them faster!" Kai quickly said and they split into two groups.

Zane and Nya went after Wu and Misako while Kai, Jay, and Cole went another way to find where Garmadon and Harumi were hiding with Lloyd.

 Misako yelled.

"Misako,calm down!" Wu said.

"I will only calm down AFTER I get my son back!!But if I see a single,EVEN A SMALL scar on my baby,Garmadon is SO DEAD!!" Misako shouted.

Misako continued to search for Garmadon angrily while Wu, Zane, and Nya were trying to get the furious mother to calm down.

"Misako,please!Listen to me!We can't-" Wu said but suddenly paused when they heard a crying sound.

"A..crying sound?But..why does it sound like a..a baby?" Zane asked confusedly.

"Don't tell me Garmadon and Harumi are kidnapping other kids now." Misako sighed angrily and decided to follow the crying sound, followed by Wu, Zane, and Nya.

And soon, they arrived at a room with a lock on its door, and a bit of purple powers on the lock.

With Garmadon.

"Lloyd,stop crying.He won't hurt you,I promise." Harumi said while hugging Lloyd.

"Get this kid to be quiet before someone finds us!" Garmadon whispered.

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