No One Will Take My Place!!

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No One's POV :

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Harumi asked.

"Yes.I am not going to let that long-bearded man take my son from me!He can have Misako,but NOT Lloyd!Now let's get moving!" Lord Garmadon answered and they started making their way to the gates.

When they got close to the gates, Lord Garmadon was about to open the gate when..

Wu kicked him to the wall.

"How many times do I have to tell you that Lloyd will NEVER GO WITH YOU?!?!" Wu shouted.

"I will NOT LET YOU TAKE MY PLACE IN HIS LIFE!!" Lord Garmadon yelled.

"You were the one who chose to leave him!!And I will make sure he stays safe from people like you!!" Wu shouted.


"I'M NOT YOUR SON!!" Lloyd yelled and blasted Lord Garmadon to the wall.

"Lloyd,calm down!" Harumi told him but Lloyd just blasted her to the other side.

Wu quickly grabbed Lloyd by his arm and pulled him inside.

"I told you he'd sneak up on me and try to take me away!" Lloyd complained.

"You're gonna have to sleep with me and your mother.We can protect you easier." Wu said.

"I'm ok with it." Lloyd replied.

Wu took Lloyd to his room and laid him down in the middle.

"Did Garmadon try to take him again?" Misako asked and Wu nodded.

"They tried to take me while I was-" Lloyd said but was cut off by a loud voice.


Wu and Misako turned to the door to see Lord Garmadon standing there, full of anger.

"LLOYD!!" Lord Garmadon yelled.

But Lloyd did not move. Wu and Misako turned to each other.

"Wu,put Lloyd to sleep.I'll handle Garmadon." Misako said.

Wu could only nod and moved closer to Lloyd.

"Come on,Lloyd.Go to sleep." Wu said.

Misako walked to Garmadon and shut the door.

"Why?!Why would you let Wu take my place?!Why would you replace me?!" Lord Garmadon asked.

"It's not like you've done the same thing to Lloyd!He was your child but you decided to replace him with someone else's child!!" Misako argued.

"Well now I'm giving him a place!He shall be my child once again along with Harumi!" Lord Garmadon said.

"Lloyd wouldn't like that." Misako said.

"Trust me,he will." Lord Garmadon said.

"This needs to end,Garmadon!Wu is Lloyd's father and he is staying here with us!That's final!" Misako said and went to her room.

Then she locked the door.

"I wouldn't be so sure." Lord Garmadon smirked.

In the room, Misako got in bed but saw that Lloyd was still awake.

"Why aren't you asleep,son?" She asked.

"I can't sleep.I'm too afraid." Lloyd answered.

"He won't get you.Your father and I are here,we'll keep you safe.And you've been in worse situation than this." Misako said.

"People fighting over my custody?-_-" Lloyd asked.

"Yes.Many things.Now go to sleep,you need your energy for tomorrow." Misako said and laid down with her right hand on Lloyd's left cheek.

Lloyd moved closer to Misako and started falling asleep. But he still felt insecure. Misako and Wu tried to calm him down and put him to sleep. But it wasn't so easy.

"You'll be alright,Lloyd.Your mother and I are here,we won't let him get you." Wu assured.

Lloyd could only stay quiet. He wanted to say something but was too scared. Misako kept trying to calm Lloyd down but he was too afraid. They had never seen him this scared. And they did notice how scared Lloyd was when they were in court. 

It could be either he was scared his family would crumble more than they already were or he was scared of Garmadon.

"Mom,dad." Lloyd called with an exhausted voice.

"Yes,Lloyd?" Misako asked.

"When is your wedding again?" Lloyd asked.

"It's this weekend.2 more days from now." Wu answered.

"Ok." Lloyd replied and went to sleep.

"I guess he can't wait." Misako chuckled.

"He really wants Garmadon to leave him alone." Wu said.

"And to think,Garmadon won't be able to act when we are married.Lloyd will have to stay with us after that.And he won't be able to do anything since you will officially be Lloyd's father." Misako added.

"The only thing that worries me,is that Garmadon will still be able to take Lloyd from us.We can't control his actions." Wu said.

"We won't let him take Lloyd.It is true,right now,Garmadon still holds the role of Lloyd's father.But in 2 days,he won't be.He won't be able to take that role back.It will be yours,and that is what Lloyd wants.And I've seen him many times enough to see that he is closer to you than Garmadon since after we defeated the S.O.G.He may not show it,but a mother's eye sees through her child's actions.And I know what I conclude isn't wrong." Misako said.

"I only hope with this relationship,will help Lloyd be stronger.When it comes to fighting and training,he seems like a great fighter,even more.But when it comes to his family,he is just like every other child.He feels weak and unable to take actions." Wu said.

Misako and Wu turned back to Lloyd who has peacefully asleep. Then they felt something on their hands. Lloyd was holding their hands while sleeping. Misako and Wu could only smile. They laid down with their hands on Lloyd's head. Then they soon drifted to sleep.

But what they did not know was that Lord Garmadon had been listening in on them. He heard that in 2 days, he wouldn't be able to be Lloyd's father anymore. 

"I gotta do something.Fast." Lord Garmadon said to himself.

"I may have an idea that will work.But it will have to wait." Harumi said.

"Tell me your plan." Lord Garmadon said.

Harumi whispered the plan to Lord Garmadon's ear. But Lord Garmadon was unhappy with one part of Harumi's plan.

"Are you serious?!I'm not going to wait that long!" Lord Garmadon shouted.

"But it is the best time to start with our plan." Harumi said but Lord Garmadon was unconvinced.

"Think of it.Misako and Wu will be married in two days.And if we act after they are officially married,it will be like they are not his parents anymore,not even Misako will be able to act."  Harumi tried to convince Lord Garmadon to give her plan a try. 

"If we act before their wedding,they will postpone it and come to us and take Lloyd back." Harumi added.

Lord Garmadon sighed and folded his four arms. 

"Fine,we'll give your plan a try.But if it doesn't work,then I do what I will." Lord Garmadon said and Harumi nodded.

Then they both went to their rooms and slept. But Lord Garmadon felt uneasy. He couldn't let Wu take his place as Lloyd's father. So he hoped that Harumi's plan would work. 

"I will not let you take my place,Wu!"


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