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"Hey Sana called me, where is she?" Taehyung asked as soon as he heard Mina

"I don't know actually we've been finding her like ten minutes ago" Mina said looking so worried

Taehyung click his tongue and look around. "What is she wearing?"

"A fitted black strapless dress, her hair is now black as well." Mina informed as Taehyung nodded and forcing his eyes to look towards the details the girl said.

Taehyung sighed, 'Its crowded its impossible to find her. Where did she go anyway'

The brute look up and realized there is a second floor and he remembered what Sana said earlier in the phone call.

"I'll look at the second floor."

As soon as Mina nodded, he sprinted his feet off to the second floor of the club.

As if like magnet his eyes locked with the girl they've been finding.

Her face lit up and point at him. He quickly went over the girl.

"You're here!"

"Yes i'm here. Are you okay? Why didn't you go to where the girls are? They've been finding you since earlier."

Sana pouted. "I don't like it downstairs! Too crowded and hot."

Taehyung look around, there's a few guys who keeps on glancing at the girl, he glared at them which made them look away.

"Sana let's go."

"But I like it here." The girl whined and refused to stand up.

"I'll bring you to the girls."

"Girls? Tzuyu?" Sana asked, her eyes drowsy.

"Yes Tzuyu, I'll bring you to her okay?"

"Then you'll leave?" Sana asked as she balanced herself.

"I guess.." Taehyung answered which made Sana frown. "Hey don't frown."

"Don't leave me please." Sana begged with a pout.

"Well... should I take you home though?"

"Home?" Sana echoed

"Yea home. Where Yeonjun and your husband is. Why didn't you call him by the way? Did you fought?" Taehyung is trying stopping himself to asked to many questions but his mouth is failing him to do so.

"Husband?" Sana voiced out again. Taehyung nodded. "Yea husband, who is he by the way?"

"I don't have a husband." Sana frowned once more in so much confusion.

She's confused and her head is killing.

"Y-you don't have a husband but yeonjun—"

"Yeonjun is your son idiot." Sana spilled, holding on her head and making the male stopped.

He felt his whole body stop, he felt like he got deaf and his eyes were only on Sana's.

No he is frozen.

"W-what do you mean Yeonjun is m-my child?" Taehyung chuckled trying to ignore the rush of his adrenaline.

His heart was beating like crazy.

"How could you not see that! He looks a lot like you, plus you're the only guy I have sex with!" Sana informed even more.

Taehyung is speechless. So speechless that he can't say a word.

Sana tripped and Taehyung immediately caught her. "Be careful."

"Let's get you back to the girls."

Taehyung attempted to let her walk but the female stopped on the stairs.

"You don't want Yeonjun? Are you mad? I mean I understand if you don't w-want him" Sana's voice broke

Taehyung gulped. "I'm not mad and I do want Yeonjun and get to know him but I think I need a bit of time to digest the information."

Sana pursed her lips and nodded in understanding. Even though she's drunk she act like she's sober.

"I'm sorry. This is not the way I planned to tell you." Sana quietly said which he lucky catch on.

Taehyung was about to say something but his phone rang, he check the caller and saw its Nayeon.


[Just uh.. wanna tell you that we went home already]

Taehyung nodded even though Nayeon can't see him.

[Yoongi, Jimin and Jin came and decided to leave you two alone.]

[I know you'll take care of Sana, drive safe by the way.]

"Hmm.. Goodnight." was all Taehyung said, he took Sana's hand and gently lead her outside the club.

"Are you okay? Does your head hurt a lot?" Taehyung asked as soon as their settled in the car.

"Its throbbing." Sana quietly answered and leaned over the window to rest her head.

The male reached from the backseat and took the neck pillow out.

"Here use this instead. Then we'll go to a drive thru to get rid of that headache."

Sana just nodded and rested.

All she could think about is Yeonjun. And if Taehyung won't really want to be a father.

To Be Continued..
a/n: I can't believe the BTS comeback is next friday i'm so freaking excited😭

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