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Everyone clapped and cheered as soon as the newly wed couple had kissed.

Jongin and Jennie giggled to each other as they face the crowd smiling and bowing a bit.

As the celebration went on, everyone is in their respective table eating and chatting to whatever and about the wedding.

A brunette stared around until her eyes caught a familiar figure laughing along with a group of guys, she pursed her lips as she remembered something again.

"Gosh, I thought I moved on?" she asked herself and force her eyes to looked away and just focus on whatever the brown haired girl was babbling about.

"So.. me and Jin's wedding is also getting planned out." Nayeon drop as Jihyo's full attention finally went to the older.

"You're getting what?"

"I'm getting married!" Nayeon excitedly shared.

"Really?" The younger couldn't believed her ears as her eyes widen a bit

"Yes!" Nayeon grinned and showed off her engagement ring as Jihyo gushed over how pretty it was.

"Damn, Jin really loves you huh?"

Nayeon rolled her eyes. "As much as I love him."

"Ew. Cringe." Jihyo cringes as she scrunched up her face and Nayeon playfully shoved her before taking a bit of her food.

"Its cringe for you since you don't have a boyfriend." Jihyo puffed her cheeks and just silently drank her wine. "When you were in Paris, had you go out with anyone?"

The brute shook her head. "Oh! I heard Eunwoo also stayed there in Paris, I also saw his insta he's with you.. So?"

"Ugh, we kind of hook-up a bit but... it didn't worked well so we're friends as of now." Jihyo shrugged as her eyes drifted of again on someone.

"Oh bummer eversince when we step in the last course of college I never seen you hook up with anyone like you used to." Nayeon shared again as Jihyo's eyes never left a certain guy's spot.

"Unless you're trying to prove yourself to Y-"

"Its because I wanna focus on studies, besides its the final year. Why not take it seriously?" Jihyo cut her off before the older could even say the whole name, Nayeon smirked and let it slide.

At least for today, since her friend look lovesick as hell.

"Girl, last time I check you hooked up with three guys a week back in the days but still manage to top everything." Nayeon bombarded

"How did you know about that?" Jihyo take her attention off of the guy for a second to look at the older who casually shrugged "I ain't called as the 'Gossip Queen' back in school for nothing~"

Jihyo rolled her eyes. "And you literally treated that title as your career."

"Well duh, life is boring hearing gossips is fun."

"But not healthy."


The two fell in silence before they got approached on by a handsome guy with wide shoulders, plump lips and attractive smile.

"Hello babe~"

Nayeon giggled. "Hi jinnie~"

Jihyo rolled her eyes as the two kissed. Bitterly clutching on her wine glass.

"Get a room you two." Jihyo frowned, Jin look up to her and chuckled.

"Gladly." Nayeon playfully slap Jin's shoulders as Jihyo glared at them.

"For the love of wine and for the sake of my single ass, don't do those shits in front of me."

"Whatever you say." Jin stated as he also drank from a wine glass.

"How was Paris?" Jin asked, wrapping an arm around Nayeon's shoulders as the girl continued eating her food.

"Delightful." Jihyo smiled and look around spotting their old friends all around with anyone.

"Nayeon said you're going out with Cha Eunwoo?" Jin opened up again, curious.

"No uh yes? we only hooked up for a week then called it a truce and remained friends."

"Well damn, seems like your not the usual you who flirts with guys huh?"

"I dont flirt with guys, their the ones doing so. I'm just giving back the favor" Jin chuckled at the answer he received, he raised his hand a bit and waved before chuckling with Nayeon.

After Jihyo answered Jin's questions, She look back but didn't spotted anyone from the same spot.

Her lips twitch into a pout as she face the couple again only to be starstruck seeing a guy sitting in between her and Jin.

Jin smirked. "Ey Ji, I hope you don't mind Yoongi seating with us."

'This couple really love seeing me suffer.' Jihyo thought

She shrugged casually. "I don't mind."

She saw Nayeon reacted as she glared at her making the older shut up immediantly but her smile remained anyway.

"We'll just check out the newly weds, we'll be back soon!" Nayeon giggled and pulled her fiance with her, Jin secretly winked at the guy before disappearing.

"How are you?"

To Be Continued..

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