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"Shut up idiot." Momo groaned as she push Namjoon away as Taehyung snickered.

"What? Am I wrong?" Namjoon asked, confused.

"What's wrong?" A familiar voice came from the doorstep as he greeted everyone brightly.

"That you and momo will get married soon?" Namjoon asked again

"Yes..? why?" Hoseok chuckled, kissing Momo's cheeks as a greeting.

Momo just pouted and gave him a glass of water before giving her attention fullt towards the food.

"He is planning to turn our wedding as his wedding proposal for Chaeyoung!"

"Eh? You and Chaeyoung are fine now?" Hoseok asked settling over one of the stools by the kitchen counter

"Not... really. But I saw her around my bookstore every weekends." Namjoon said and took a seat between the stools that Taehyung and Hoseok occupied.

"Ha! You know, Namjoon hyung is advance as always." Taehyung snickered

"Yea wondering why aren't you advance as well" Momo countered, as the two males laughed while the brute pouted.

"I'm shy!"

"Then don't be shy!"

Taehyung buried his face by his palms that are over the kitchen counter, his ears turning red.

Namjoon patted his back. "Don't worry Tae. One day the time will come for both of us."

"Yea wondering when is that day." Hoseok snickered at them, as Momo smirked.

"Hopefully just around the corner."

"I'm craving for ice cream." Momo pouted.

"But babe, i'm already too lazy to go to the ice cream parlor." Hoseok whined

Momo rolled her eyes at her boyfriend and look at Namjoon before making eye contact with Taehyung.

The female smiled as the brute rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Coffee Caramel right?"

The female nodded. "Thanks in advance!"

"Bring us some too!" Namjoon called out before the front door shut.

Taehyung smiled walking past the playground. He saw many cute kids playing around and with each other.

As he is about to enter the ice cream parlor, he spotted a male kid by the side walk and staring at his knees.

Taehyung looked around in wonder before approaching the child.

"Hello" he greeted with a friendly smile to not scare the kid off.

The kid look hesitant before muttering a quiet 'hello' back. Taehyung smiled gently

"I got boo-boo" the kid pouted, Taehyung look behind the child seeing a convenience store.

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