Zoey x Reader (Death Toll: Part 2)

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"Do you still plan on leaving..?"

You stayed quiet and hesitantly nodded.

"Can I come with you..?" She took a long drag of the cigarette and handed it back to you.

You sat there for a second, contemplating. You hated this group.. but Zoey...she was special.
"Of course.." You smiled slightly.

She looked over at you and smiled softly.

You grabbed her hand and smiled.

She scooted closer to you and laid her head on your shoulder, closing her eyes.


You woke up at the feeling of movement at your side, you looked at the side of you and saw Zoey. You smiled, she looked peaceful when sleeping, not filled with fear like usual. You got up gently and picked her up, going inside and setting her down. You smiled slightly then started getting ready to head out when the sun rose.


You loaded up your gun and packed up your stuff. You felt someone grab your hand as you zipped your first aid kit to your back, you turned to see Zoey.

"Are..Are you leaving today..?" She hesitantly asked.

You thought about your response, "No, not yet.." You looked over at her, "why?"

She grabbed your arm gently, "I don't want you to go yet.."

"Do you still wanna come with me?"

She stood there for a second, "I...I dunno.."

You smiled, "don't worry.. you have plenty of time to think about it"

She smiled and laid her head on your arm.

"You ready to head out?"

She nodded, "As ready as I'll ever be"

You smiled at her and held open your arm to her.

She linked arms with you, grabbing your arm gently with her free hand. She felt like she could take on the world when she was with you.


Slater was on his way and everyone was so excited to leave this hell hole.

"GAH- Why Is he taking so long!?" Zoey shoved the zombies back.

You smiled softly when you saw Zoey out the corner of your eye.

She swung her axe at every zombie near her. "I wanna get out of this shit hole!!!" She kept swinging.

You smiled slightly, "with me?" You shot any zombie in her way.

"of course." She smiled slightly, "Let's get- oUT! Of here before we talk about that." She was swinging mid-speak.

You started focusing hard,  you wanted to get out of this. And you wanted to get out of it with Zoey.


You sat on the edge of the boat, the breeze felt amazing. You heard somebody stand next to you.

"You doin' alright, kid?" The voice was deep and raspy.

"Define 'alright'" You looked over at Him and smiled.

Francis nodded and sat next to you, "Trust me, I know how much I hated being with people when this all went down." He pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

You sighed, looked down at the water, "I don't like being with a large amount of people, especially those who don't like me.."

"Who said we didn't like you?"

"What about when you left me to die?" You held out your hand.

He handed the cigarette to you, "I didn't leave you to die, I knew someone would come back for you."

You took a long drag of it, "...Why'd you walk away then?" You handed it back to him.

He grabbed it and looked over at you, "Listen kid, If you had to decide, would you rather save me or Zoey?"

You hesitantly spoke, "...Zoey"

He nodded, "I was in that boat. Would I rather save a 60 year old man that's been in the group  for a while, or some what- 18 year old, that just joined up?"

"20, thanks but.." You sighed, "I'm sorry.."

He shook his head, "don't worry about it, You live to learn from your mistakes." He pat your back and got up. "Hey kid"

You looked back at him.

"You're alright, none of us don't like you, we're all in this together. As much as it pains me to say it, we have to stick together." He smirked and nodded to you.

You smiled and nodded back at him. A weight was lifted off your shoulders, maybe this group wouldn't be so bad.

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