Fourty Eight | Mental Discipline P2

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It's not 8 p.m. and us girls have stopped for a hunt and break for an hour. They have been doing amazing all day. When this break is over we will be shifting and running all night. I warned them of whats to come with the wind and storm tonight and as much as I seen the disappear in their eyes they never once complained.

We were all sitting around the camp fire that we cooked the hot dogs and marshmallows that Tyler brought to us when the thunder started rumbling off in the distance. I looked up at the lighting then counted the second before the thunder rang through the air.

"Alright chickadee's we have approximately 5 minutes before it starts raining. Lets go ahead and put our electronics and stuff in our bags since they're water proof. Tyler is bringing some Omegas to collect out things to take them back to My house. In the morning we'll go back to my house and crash their after rotating showers unless you would like to go home."

On cue Tyler comes out of the woods with 8 omegas to carry the girls stuff. He looks at the shape the girls an I are in then walks over to me.

"How is everything going? Your not pushing yourself or the too hard are you?" He asks worried.

Before I could get the words out the girls all scoff, hands their bags over to the Omegas after saying their thank you's, then go to the woods to shift. I just look at my Gamma with a smirk.

"I'm confused. Did I say something wrong?" He asks worried.
"Ty, I know you care about the girls and I, but I think they're getting tired of feeling like their underestimated."

When I tell him this I make sure to say it soft and with a smile so I don't make him think its him that's underestimating them, but Tyler is a very caring person who doesn't like conflict or people being mad at him.

"Ladies please come out here after you shift." He announces in his Gamma voice.
"What are you doing?"
"You'll see."

He waits a couple of second until they all return. I let him know they're all here before he turns from me to address.

"Good afternoon, Ladies. I just want you all to know that my question was not one of thinking you all couldn't handle everything. My question was out of care. I seriously don't doubt that you all can't all do it. In fact if all the male's had to go through this, they would all be cranky, angry, and they probably would have quit by 3 p.m. Like I said I care about you all along with our Luna and It's not that I underestimate you all. With that being said, be carful tonight, stay together and keep pushing on." He announces then turns to me with a wink.

I smile and nod that he did good. He grabbed my back then left with the Omega's after hugging me and wishing us all luck. As he was walking away he turned and looked at me.

"I swear, no amount of sweat and rain could hide whatever you did with Lucas this morning." He links with a laugh.

My eyes bulged out of my head.

"Tyler! Go home, asshole!" I laughed throwing a stick at him.

He dodged it then ran off laughing. I turn back to the girls and give them a smile then go behind a tree to shift. We all just left our close in whatever tree we shifted by. I lean forward and call Gracie forward. I tell her I still need console, but I want her on the look out still. After I shift I walk out to the clearing and the girls all run over to me. I know now that they all gave their wolves the same job I did because with every she-wolf that rubbed against me I felt their wolf too. It was an amazing feeling. All the love that they had for me and Gracie and I returned it will a howl.

"Everyone line up. It's starting to sprinkle." I said in the private link I set up for me and the girls.

After they were all lined up I let Gracie give another little howl and we all raced off. We started off at jog pace, but since our wolves are naturally faster and have better stamina than us we ended up at a speed between jogging and running. After running for maybe 30 minutes the rain started coming down harder than we all expected. Earlier when we checked the weather to see if it was still going to rain, the weather app said the same as it did when I checked it last. Clearly there was some miscommunication because the rain and wind was picking up faster than I though.

We all kept running steering clear of the border. In stead of being 2 miles in from the border we are now 4 miles in from the border. Now only because its dark, but because of the rain and the visibility is awful due to the rain. Never the less we all kept going. Our paws pounded into the ground as we ran through the mud that was once dirt. The trees shook in the wind causing leaves to fly everywhere. Never the less we kept on going! We had ran for the whole 2 hours while the wind speeds stayed constant. We came to a stop to rest then I sent out a link.

"Does anyone need to relieve their selfs or want to stretch?"

After I got a bunch of no's I sent out another.

"Okay everyone huddle together and stay close. No braking off in case someone gets lost."

They all came and circled around me and laid down. Laying down with them I noticed the storm was getting much worse. I'm going to have to call quits if it gets any worse. We all laid there for some time resting until all our breathes were every out. I stood up watching as they all did the same. Without even saying anything they get in their lines of 8. I howled to tell them we're leaving and took off with them following me.

We have been running in this horrid think you call a storm for maybe 30 minutes before Tyler tried to link me. I come to a stop along with the girls. I laid down and they flowed confused and awaiting orders.

"Nova?" Tyler asked panicked.
"Hey, sorry. I had to make sure all the girls stopped when I did. Whats up?"
"Hey, look I understand that you girls wanna prove yourself, but the storm tracker was way off this morning. I just checked it again and this is the beginning of a hurricane that's about to hit us in an hour. There are tornados watches and everything." He says.
"Shit! Alright. I though about calling it, but damn I didn't know it was that bad. It came out of no where!"
"Yeah I know. Just get them and get back to your house. Let me know when you make it, okay?" He ask's
"Of course."

I cut him off and immediately linked the girls telling them of our situation. I told them that we had an hour to get home before the storm its self hits us. As soon as those words were out we all stayed in the formation we were running and took off faster than we ran all day towards my house. We made it there in 30 minutes. We shifted and all caught to catch our breathes walking into the house. Thankfully the rain washed us off well enough so no mud was tracked through the house. I assigned everyone a place to sleep and shower since it was a 6 bedroom house with each bedroom having a bathroom. We were all tired half way through the assigning of rooms when I realized I'm down an extra bed room since its Lucas's. I finally gave in and gave my room to Sarah and Sasha who was still unaware she Sarah was her mate. Riley knew what she was doing when she partnered up with a girl named Cassie. I walk with them to my room and show them where they could shower and where the towels were. I was glad they all packed spare clothes. You never know.

I walk to Lucas's door and with a sigh I push it open. His scent clouds around me making me feel all warm inside. I sent a text to him that I'm crashing in his room since mine was being occupied by 2 of the girls due to the hurricane cutting out run short. His reply was that he was excited to come home and fall asleep to my scent on his bed. The text made me smile and start to really miss him. I took a nice warm bath in his tub which h was right when he said he could fit a lot of people in it. His tub is bigger than the one in m room with the same lay out. I dumbed a little of his body wash in the tub and soaked all the way down to my nose. The smell of his body wash had me feeling relaxed, but what really excited me was what his bed would smell like.

After my bath I dried off and quickly got dressed. I laid down in Lucas's bed letting his scent form a warm cocoon around my body. For the first time since I was taken, I feel asleep right away dreaming of my mate and I's future.



QOTC: What's your favorite tv show?

Mine: Naked & Afraid currently!

W/C: 1,650

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