Fourty One | Last Day

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The whole next day I spent time with everyone who knew I was actually alive besides Aurora who had to work. I wasn't upset though because I knew other people needed her more than I did right now. We spent the day just laughing and talking about anything that we could possibly think of. I even convinced Noah to play a game with me that we used to play when we were little.

We always thought that since we were twins that we were able to read each other's minds... well without mind link of course. We were good at it when we were little and actually believed we were able to. Let's just say we were very wrong. While I thought apple he said ocean. He thought of a horse and I said banana. Was I hungry, but that shouldn't matter. In other words we sucked.

My dad told Lucas story's of when Noah, Ralph, Nala, and I were little. They weren't the story's that would make you smile. Nope! They were the most embarrassing ones you could think of. I couldn't even look at Lucas or my dad without cringing. I could tell Lucas was happy with the fact that I was able to finally go back with him and wanting to at that. Uncle Edgar even joined us and Lucas finally asked why I got so mad at him when he called me Princess then asked how I came to get the nickname. The answer he got for his question's were simple.

"She gets mad because Princess is the name her favorite uncle gave her. She would get so mad when she was little if even her dad would call her it. She would say and I quote "that's Uncle Edgars name for me. No one, but him can call me that." She never got over that little temper she got from her mother. As for how she got it. While her mom was pregnant with her and Noah I made it very clear that I was going to be her favorite uncle no matter what. I also made it clear she would be as spoiled as a princess. I've held up to my word." He explained then pulled me into a hug while smiling.

I tried arguing I wasn't that spoiled, but that was quickly shut down by everyone laughing at my and Lucas just looking at me smiling. I then may have agreed, but I made it clear at least I'm not a brat with a terrible attitude with the could agree with. Then when I smugly smiled Noah piped up.

"You made not be a brat, but that attitude is something else." He said laughing then Aurora slapped him on the back of the head for "teasing" me while winking at me. She just got back to see me for a little bit for her lunch break. I'm happy I got to see her before I left. She has played a huge role in my recovery from both times I was in the hospital.

The day went by faster than we thought and before we knew it night came in the blink of an eye. We were due to leave around 10 p.m. that was no one would see me. I handed Lucas my bags and he left me to say my goodbyes to everyone in private which I appreciated. I walked back into my dads office and seen everyone there with smiles but I could tell they were sad. I went in a line starting from my dads desk to the door.

"'Gamma Landon."
"Oh, Nova. Quit with that. We're gonna miss you around here kiddo. You make sure you don't lose those skills you have." Landon said pulling me into a long hug.
"Trust me, I won't. You always taught us to stay on our toes." I say smiling then moving over to his mate Mirra.
"Mirra." I said shakily already thinking how I'm leaving behind the only mother figure Noah and I had.
"No no no! No tears! Remember this isn't goodbye forever, Novie. We'll see each other again, Honey. Until then you are going to take care of yourself, be happy, and not let any of those female give you any trouble. Or the males either." She smiled out while rubbing my arms.
"Yes ma'am. I'll still miss you though." I say moving to the next person... my secretly favorite person in the higher ups in this pack.

I just wouldn't tell no one else that, but I know Marcus knows it because I've told him. He's also told me plenty of times he loves me more than Noah. Landon's favorite has always been Noah so it works out in our favor.

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