Ten | Banishment

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I woke up to bright sun rays shinning in my eyes from the crack in my curtains. I yawn and go to sit up when a wave of nausea washes over me. When I thought I couldn't get any any more sick, Nala walks into my room with a food tray in her hands. The scent of bacon and eggs waft through my room making me run for the bathroom to puke up everything out of my stomach. Nala rubs my back and holds my hair while telling me to let is all out and breathe.

After I flush and clean the toilet, I brush my teeth and head back into my bedroom to find Nala sprawled out on the bed. I smile and make my way over to her, then lay on top of her.

"Happy birthday, Toots."

I kiss her on the neck then finally rolling off her because of my stomach still being upset.

"Thankyou, Hun." She says with a happy face.
"I hate to say this especially on your birthday, but I got two things to do before we can spend time together, is that okay? If not I can push it off till tomorrow."

I wanted her to know she actually has the choice in the matter.

"Hey, I know how much responsibilities you have. I completely understand. Besides I came here to see you for a bit, then I wanted to go spend time with mom and her boyfriend, Dale for a little bit." She says.
"Okay. Sounds like a plan. I'm gonna go take a shower, then get dressed to get some stuff done."

I then get up and grab clothes from my closet to get dressed for the day ahead of me. An hour later it's now 10.34 a.m. and I'm walking up to my fathers office to talk to him about how I might have banishing Sally the night of the party. I know he won't care because he knows I would never do something as big as this without a good reason. I get to his door and when I finally work up the courage I peak my head inside while knocking on the door

"Come in." He say while not looking up.

I walk in and shut the door while we exchange hello's then make my way to the chair across from him.

"So we have a little problem."

I walk to across the room to look at the bookshelf behind him so I don't have to face him. It's not that I'm scared he'll get mad. I just don't want him being disappointed that I did it on the spot without permission. He is still in fact the Alpha and technically only the Alpha can banish someone. The Beta will never have that power, but my dad's different and so is Noah.

"Are you referring to the Beta that you and Noah knocked out, then dragged to the cells?" He asked while still looking at the papers in front of him.
"We'll not just that."

I look down and fiddling with the hem of my shirt. To be quite honest I have no idea how he would feel about the choice I've made without his permission.

"Go on." He says while finally looking to me and leaning back in his chair with his arms folded over his chest.
"So you know how that Sally girl is always being disrespectful and always treating our family and the pack like she's better than us?"
"Ahh I see where this is going. I was wondering why she was in the cells down stairs when I went to go see if that rouge was awake yet which by the was he wasn't at the moment. The silver cuffs and must be weakening his more than I thought."
"Yes well.. before you get mad at me for maybe promising to banish her today without your permission might just be the reason she's down there after pushing me and then disrespecting Noah and I at our party."

I make my way towards the window that overlooks the packs training grounds and wait for something.. anything.

"I see." He says as he gets up and comes to stand next to me.
"I'm sorry I did it without your permission, but I just couldn't take it no more. She-"

Before I continue he cuts me off by laughing. I turn to look at him with a raised eyebrow. He finally looks at me.

"Nova, you and your brother are the next leaders of this pack. Plus I completely understand why you did what you did. I'll have her brought up here by Noah and Marcus to rouge her."

To say I was shocked is downplaying it a bit. My fathers eyes glazed over and after a minute he focuses back on me.

"They'll be here in 20 minutes." He says then makes his way back to his desk.
"What kind of paper work do we need to do to rouge her?"

I sit down in my seat again dreading how many papers I was going to have to fill out. My dad hands me a single paper and I look it over.

"Wait, this is it?"

I guess it's only one single piece of paper. I figured there would be more.

"What do you mean is that it?" My dad asks while taking the paper back thinking it was the wrong one.
"It's literally just asking her name, rank, and the packs name."

It's such little information. I really though there would have been more.

"All we have to do I fill the paper out then send a copy to the king so he knows where she ended up. It's a simple process really." He says.

I take the paper back from him and filling it out so I could finish it before she gets here.

As they're walking in with her my dad is stamping the paper with the packs seal. It's kinda like a notarization but from our pack. I stand up as they let her go after removing the silver cuffs off her.

"Let's get this over with. I have a prisoner to question and possibly torture."
"Sally Whoitmore, you understand why the events of today are taking place and you are being rouged, correct?" My father asks calmly.
"Yes Alpha." she says as she gives me a dirty look.

I smirk then wink at her causing her to jump up and charge at be but is tripped by Marcus who stuck his foot out in front of her before she got to far. I couldn't help the laugh that slipped out of my mouth and I'm guessing Marcus and Noah felt the same way. The only one who wasn't laughing was my now very very very angry father.

"HOW DARE YOU TRY TO PULL THAT STUNT AFTER WHAT YOU DID LAST NIGHT." My father shouts out stalking towards her to pull her up by her hair.
"Sally whoitmore, I now withdraw you as a member of the New Moon pack as your Alpha and condemn you to the life of a rouge, do you accept?" He seethes out.

She just sits there and doesn't say anything knowing if she doesn't accept, she can't be banished. She must forget she's in a room full of people that can command her to accept which is allowed.

"Do you accept?" He whispers dangerously low.

She continues to stay silent.

"Very well. Nova, command her. It can't be me to do it." He says with a devilish smirk.
"My pleasure." I loved using my Alpha voice.
"I accept you banishment." She shrieks out in tears.
"Smart girl." My father says with a smile.
"Because we're not monsters we'll supply you with a tent and an adjustable hiking bag for you to pack food and some of your clothes and belongings in. You have 20 minutes to get packed and say your goodbyes then you must leave." My father shoots out while going back to his chair where this time he can finally stay seated and finish his work.
"Thankyou." She whimpers out while two warriors come in and take her to escort her out.

After she walks out I look to Noah to see his reaction on the whole ordeal to see him show no emotions.

"Wanna go interrogate the Beta with me?" I ask Noah after a minute of silence.
"You go ahead. I wanna help dad out some. Ralph will be waiting for you down there but don't hesitate to mind link me if you need me." He says while making his way over to my father.
"Alright suit yourself." I start heading for the door when my father clears his throat making me turn around.
"Have fun but not too much fun. We need him alive." My dad says with a grin.



QOTC: What was or is your dream job?

Mine: A pediatric Nurse!

W/C: 1,500

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