"Nuh-uh, I'm safe," Texas said. Tito grabbed his hand.

"I'd never let them hurt you, mio caro," Tito said. Texas liked this. PJ didn't.

"I'm still his hero," PJ said, grabbing Texas's other hand.

"Well so am I!" Tito spat.

"Guys! We're each other's heroes!" Texas exclaimed. Tito and PJ didn't argue with that, but they still stared each other down.

After looking at all the cool sharks, the boys were checking out the deep sea exhibit.

It was dark


And the fishies looked scary

Texas didn't want to be a baby, but he was shaking in his cowboy boots

However, suddenly someone was hugging his arm.

"I'm scared so I figured you were probably terrified so... just don't loose me ok?" Tito said, trying to suppress the fear in his voice with sounding angry. Texas didn't mind, because Tito sometimes sounded angry, even when he wasn't. Texas could tell though, because he knew Tito, and knew he probably would be very very rude if he was actually very very mad, which he wasn't.

"Hey... where's PJ?" Texas asked. They realized PJ had wandered off, and they frantically searched, hand held tightly in hand.

"Are you kids lost?" An aquarium worker asked. However, it was dark, so they couldn't tell if this was a friend or not.

"NOT TODAY SATAN!" Tito shoved past the man and pulled Texas along to the jellyfish room, where PJ was staring at the little things bouncing around and havin fun.

"There you are!! You scared us!" Tito exclaimed.

"Well, you lost me!" PJ exclaimed.

"See Tex, this is why I'm the better out of the two of us," Tito said.

"Of me and you?" Texas asked.

"No! Of me and PJ!" Tito exclaimed. PJ scoffed.

"No!! I'm the bestester!!! You're not even a superhero! Your just a dumb monster!" PJ exclaimed.

"Guys!! Cállate!!! I don't wanna fight! We're friends remember?" Texas said. PJ and Tito murmured in agreement, yet still glared at one another. Texas frowned, and started sniffling.

"Wait!!! Don't cry!!" Tito exclaimed. The two began comforting him, and Texas smiled, happy that the two of them could find peace in their mutual care for him.

The adults were having a very similar experience, yet it was more passive aggressive, and a lot less caring.

"So... how is Francesco?" Philipa asked.

"He's fine... he's been started on medication, and has been sober for a month... I visited him a few times," Italy said gruffly.

"And how does he act?" Philipa asked.

"Fine enough... just... distant," Italy said.

"Drugs will do that to you," Philipa said. Italys fists clenched.

"Philipa, could you stop it? I get that you two don't f*ckin care for each other all that much, but Jesus, why are you acting like d*cks to each other?" Mexico asked.

"She's just still bitter that it wasn't my kid who gave every one of his friends some kind of injury," Italy spat.

"Well at least Philip is a good kid at heart! Francesco hurt PJ far more than PJ has hurt Tito!" Philipa exclaimed.

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