The final battle part 2 ( Chapter 19 )

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 ( on the other side of town )

The ground opened up well not actually, but an inky portal slowly opened on the side walk of hell the portal grew bigger and bigger until what looked like a demon popped out of it, but that demons name was Alice angel she wasn't an angel nor a demon more like both fused into one, her little demon horns on top of her long black hair where chipped and had little pieces missing her halo was crooked on the side and half her face looked melted you could see her teeth if looked through, on of her eyes was blacked out entirely, she wore a black dress just above her knees she also wore boots that almost touched her knee caps, and long black gloves, she looked around the sight of hell it's self thankful to be out of the studio Sammy was driving her mad he kept on whining about how bendy was gone, she didn't want to deal with him nor any one for that matter, so she did the best thing she could think of spawn in a portal and leave the studio was she sad about it? kind of she was sad to leave Boris behind but she only wanted to do experiments on him so maybe her leaving the studio was best at least for Boris's sake. But none the less she looked around seeing all the buildings and such, As she was walking she heard a loud explosion that nearly made her ears bleed, it sounded really close by she thought to her self she looks up at the sky and see's smoke not that unsual this is hell after all, as demons where either running away and looking just out of curiosity, when the smoke cleared Alice could see a little fox he looked around the age of 15 or 16, 16 most likely but he was hovering around the now blown building an entire chunk of it missing and he was laughing like a crazy person while he was holding a big bag filled with pills- wait no those are mints, Tails put the code in his bag and pulled out a bomb, with an evil toothy grin he threw it in the now even more broken building the bomb went off and the entire building collapsed along with my will to live-, and all the demons inside, Tails landed on the side walk his black hover boots hitting the concrete he then still laughing he switched off his hover boots, and looked at her right in her one working eye, 

" who the fuck are you?" he asked folding his arms 

" . . . I'm Alice dip shit" she said rolling her one working eye

" well. . . you wanna join me on a fuckin' war I've been askin' all around the dam place for recurits" tails said, " and no one wants to fuckin join" he added adjusting his bag on his shouder 

" well. . . who's on the other side?" she asked, she didn't even want to do this whole war thing but she was bored and she's not going back to the studio anytime soon,

" uhm- there's the cooked deer, the robtic fox furry thing, a fuckin' noodle, a leaf, a cup child, a gaint wall, a blue berry ball, an inky bitch-" he counted them all on his fingers until Alice said, : woah woah woah" she said " an inky bitch. . . you mean bendy don't you or better known as the boot leg ink demon!" she yelled, and evil smile spreading across her face, " wait. . ." Tails said confused, " you know her?" 

" YES WE ARE FROM THE SAME FUCKING UNIVERSE!" Alice yelled grabbing tails by the shoulders and shaking him, Tails sucker punched her right in the face, " don't EVER fucking do that again! or i'll shove a bomb down your throat!", Alice was still proccessing what just happened, she held her face in some what shock, " okay okay sorry, you didn't have to punch me!" she yelled at tails with an intense glare if looks could kill tails would be drop dead on the side walk like some rode kill, " so you in or what" Tails asked stepping up to Alice offering his finger less gloved hand to her to shake, she reached out a shook his hand unsure if she should be doing this but she had to get back at the bootleg ink demon,

( time skip )

when Alice and Tails finally got to his so called his house, Alice cringed slightly seeing the horrible condtion of the house blood splatter on the the pavement and the weeds growing out from between the cracks of the walk way, " you live here?" Alice asked repulsed and very confused, the windows were boared up with planks of wood covering the windows prevernting any light going in side the house, Tails grabbed the remote for the door and it slid open and the two stepped inside, the room was very dark and smelled like blood and oli, Alice stood by the door waiting for the lights to turn on when they did she was blined not like she wasn't alreadly, the small edgy fox turned the generatior powering on the entire house, Alice looked around to see the huge mess this place was, the posters on the walls, the bug infested bed, the table with gadgets and the blood soaked floor, " so what now we just wait here?" Alice asked sitting down on the bed, " well. . ." tails said pacing back and forth, " we just need a couple more people then the war can begin!" 

" well how many people do you have now?" Slice asked eyeing the door that lead to the base ment, tails smiked his one gold tooth simmering in the crap light, " I can show  you if you want" his smiler grew bigger and more evil as the seconds passed by, " . . . actually I change my mind who are we going after next?" she Asked crossing her legs, shifting around on the bed trying not to get bit by the bed bugs, " well there I used to work with these people and they call them selves the demon hunters" Tails said shrugging, Alice face plamed, " humans won't last for more than a mintue in hell!" she yelled throwing her hand up, " for the love of JOEY how can you be so BLIND!" Tails stepped back a few paces, " well I'm out of ideas alright! why don't you come up with something better SHERLOCK!" Tails screamed stomping his foot on the floor, his face red with anger, Alice sighed, " fine then, what's the plan for this so called war?" 

( mean while )

" what do mean I have too many kids!" bendy said hugging all six of her kids at once 

" Sweetie please!" Oswald pleaded, " I'm tired 24/7 the least you could do is give me a break!"

Bendy just scoffed, " yea but I'm not getting rid of them!"

" I NEVER SAID THAT!" Oswald groaned

" well. . . you impiled IT!"

" I DID NOT!" 

" is this what love is like?" Al whisperd to wall, holding a bucket of popcorn, " cuz count me OUT" he said throwing a piece of popcorn in his mouth but he missed, " aw dam my popcorn" he said sadly his ears pinned to the side of his head, " 5 SECOND RULE BITCH!" Soonic snatched the popcorn off the ground but Niffty put her leg out tripping Soonic and he hit his head on a nearby wall, " OW YOU-" Soonic looked up but Niffty was gone, " what the actual hell", " yea I'm out gotta eat some cheese cake" said wall floating over to the kitchen they opened the fridge but there was no cheese cake, then mangle showed up with froasting on her face, " heh- heh whoops" and she bolted to with wall hovering behind her again, cotton candy foxy where having a grand old time playing mario kart 8 Al totally didn't steal a switch or anything. Foxy was jamming to fnaf songs becuase what else is there to do. But little did they all know, a war was on the way

( tbc in chapter 20 )

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