WORLD WAR 3 part 2 ( Chapter 5 )

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Charile was busy pacing back and forth in her office having and existential crisis, Vaggie was doing her best go try to calm her GF down was it working? nope. While there was a war going on right out side her window and a bomb crashed though it  and landed right on charlie's paper work guess what happens when fire touches paper? it catches on fire. 

" oops my bad!" Tails yelled 

Charlie grabs her paper work just before the bomb expolded, Vaggie grabed the bomb and yeeted it out the window where it hit foxy right on the head. " ow" said foxy rubbing his head with his hook " where the hell did that come from. "

One of the little egg guys holding a ray gun that he may or may not have stolen from Tails waddled on up to foxy pointing the gun right at foxy's face. " SAY GOODBYE!" the little egg man yelled, and right before the egg dude pulled the trigger. The eggs face was blasted off by Angel and his gun he was holding with his 3rd pair of arms. " ya welcome " Angel yelled, " uh- thanks matey!". Foxy grabbed the ray gun off the ground, and goes to war again. Bendy was still playing with the little egg men, when one of the eggs got shot by foxy, ". . . foxy-" Bendy was getting more and more pissed with every passing second, " WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!" she now had ink dripping down her face " uh-oh" foxy mutterd backing up a few steps. 

" just great" said wall yeeting a chair at one of the egg men " bendy's mad "

" NO FUCKIN' kidding!" Bendy yelled 

" woah, woah, why are you so mad anyways?"


" it was an accident calm down" foxy repiled 

" uh-" the deer man whispred  to his cup child " remind me to NEVER make Bendy angry"

" noted" the cup child repiled 

While Bendy and foxy were fighting Tails and Cherri also Angel, were busy dealing with the snake man. until. . . . his whole entire blimp blew up, catching every demon within a 20 mile radius on fire and that means the group too, every body was coverd from head to toe in soot and fire. that meant buildings. soooo with that being said the hotel that the group was staying in was now on fire and mostly destroyed, and charlie was PISSED more at the snake man than the group, Charlie threw the hotel door open and stormed towards the sanke man who was crying cuz his life work  was gone in less than a second. 

" oh shiittt" Soonic said watching Charlie 

" oh ho ho you're so dead granpa " Cherri said giving Tails a high five 

Then Charlie was just about to give the snake man the worst beating of his after life, deer man spawned in a portal right below snake dude, and he fell right through it along with his egg army. "there problem solved." said the deer man " anyways what now-" Vaggie showed up with a spear pointed at his face " YOU COULD'VE DONE THAT THE WHOLE TIME?!"

"uh yea- duh but where's the fun in that?"

"  * insert spanish swearing here* "

" uh- ma'am I don't speak taco "

" pffffttt" cup child laughed " taco "

" moving onnn " 

" welp said tails " it was cool meeting you i gotta go fill up my mint collection bye" and he flew off with his little hover boots

" see ya little man"  said Cherri " see ya Angie "

" see ya " said angel heading in side 

                                        ( a little while later in side the hotel )

The group was in side watching TV Bendy was controlling the remote oh and foxy was missing an arm, because of you guessed it Bendy. anyways. " bendy can you please hurry up and chose a channel!" Alastor groaned. 

" no you can wait for once in your after life". 

" ugghhh, okay 'mom' "

" oh found one"


"If you want somebody gone and you don't wait to long call the immediate murder professionals" 

( i can't remember the rest of the song but just imange bendy vibin to it )

" is it over now. . . ya know what" Alastor yanks the TV remote from Bendys hands. and flips the channel to some random kids show, " HEY i was watchin' that" she stood up and trys to take the remote back but al just de spawned along with the remote. 

" Bendy you need to calm down man " said soonic standing up 

" why don't yo calm down you sonic wannabe!"

" . . . that's not cool man"


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