Demon hunters Part 2 ( chapter 10 )

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Bendy's eyes opened and her head was gonna blow at least thats what it felt like she had a hammer inside her brain that was pounding on her inky skull, she tried to move but her arms and legs where tied to a chair. She then looked around the room was spinning but not as much as before the room she was in was very small and smelly kinda like the parts and service room, on either side of the stinky room were two windows and behind one of those windows was agent 3  they were on their phone scrolling on tiktok, they had short auburn hair and was wearing these stupid looking sunglasses, After a few scconds on bendy staring at them with an angry glare, agent 3 finally looked up and saw bendy looking at them, all they did was give  her a confused look but they just shrugged it off and went back on their phone. 

" oh for love of joey drew" Bendy mutters, in the corner  of the room was her hand made crossbow she tries to scoot over to it but can't for some reason? she tries again still nothing she then looks behind her and sees Cuphead  and Alastor also tied to chairs  but they were still asleep, also tails was missing? ' that's weird maybe they put him in a different  room?' bendy thought, but she was wrong you'll see why, The door of the room that bendy some how didn't notice was opened so very fast that the door smacked the person on the head causing them to fall to the floor with  a bruise  on their forehead. Despite the massive headache that bendy had she laughed her little ass off, Agent 3 who was on the ground rubbing their forehead, slowly got up using the door to keep balance which failed and they fell AGAIN, Bendy laughed even more she was crying ink from laughing so hard, Agent 3 stod up again and dusted them sevles off,  "why couldn't they have put wet floor signs here but noooo" Agent 3 mutterd picking up their stupid looking sunglasses, " it'll decrease  the budget they said, it's  a waste of money they said" Bendy who was still snickering  stopped when agent 3 glared at her, they put the dumb sunglasses on and one of the lenses popped out, Agent 3 took them off and tried but failed to pop the lense back in, they just set the glasses on a nearby desk, Agent 3 just looked at the three of them in so confused, 

" well wait do you want?" Bendy asked glareing at them 

" listen dude I'm just here to keep an eye on you until the other idoits show UP!" they repiled crossing their arms

" oh you mean the ones that kinapped US?!" bendy yelled angerily ink dripping down her body

" uh yea those guys and why are you meltin'?" Agent 3 said taking a step back to avoid the ink puddle that was now on the ground

" I'm not melting idoit!" Bendy screamed

" listen man I don't have time for this I have a fanfics I need to read" And just like that Agent 3 left and slammed the door behind them

" hey you guys awake yet" Bendy asked turning her head to look at the other two, no reponse so that's a no, after about minutes of Bendy trying to scoot over to her crossbow and dead silence the door swings open but it wasn't agent 3 they where some where else reading fanfic, instead it was. . . tails in all his edgy glory, an evil smirk on his face his one gold tooth shimering  in the crapy lights. Tails looked at Bendy who was not that surprised i mean c'mon now-, " sooo how's it feel to be tied down huh?" Tails said circling  the three, " oh it's fantasic i LOVE being able to not move! and this stupid smelly room do you even clean in here at all?" Bendy ragged again more ink dripped down her body, " oh some one had an acciddent" Tails laughed stepping back and looking down at the pool of ink right under bendy. " you're the accident here you wannabe emo kid!" Bendy yelled she was steaming literally , her head was steaming, anyways tails just igorned her come back at looked right at Alastor who was slowly waking up, his vison was hella blurry but it's fine, " ugh what the hell is going on?" he mutterd looking  around the room and makes eye contact with tails who was railing on about how he used his big brain to trick every one, Bendy was more focused  on a random spider than with tails speech, after about ten minutes of tails doing his speech he really planned this speech out huh? Alastor was loseing brain cells not like he had many to begin with, " UGGHH are you DONE with the stupid speech yet i'm boutta lose my mind!" Alastor groaned, Tails just rolled his eyes, " no I'm not done BAMBI,!" Tails yelled pointing a threating finger right in deer mans face, " I spent months working on this speech and I'm glad I have some Victims  to hear it" Tails laughed evily," anyways as I was saying-" and there he goes telling the most boring and the most detailed speech ever told by one fox, after about 10 more minutes of torture tails was finally finshed, for now until he plans another hella long speech, " are you done NOW?" Alastor groaned, " oh and one question where are all of our things?" Alastor's head did a full spin just to look at tails and he nearly threw up and so did bendy, " eugh never do that again!" Bendy said her face a slight shade  of green, " I hate to agree with the enemy but that was the most disturbing yet the most fascinating thing I've ever laid my eyes on!", " but the plan must move foward-" he mutterd to himself, Bendy rolled her eyes " what's next you're gonna tell the entire plan to us like every other villain!" She laughed, so did Alastor, Tails did not find this funny what so ever he was turning a fat shade of red, " NO" he yelled stomping his little hover boot, he quickly gained his composure and let out a deep breath, " no, unlike all the other villians I'm not stupid and-" before he could even finish Cuphead interrupted , " why is it because you're a little MAN?!" Just like that all of them where laughing even Agent 3 who was behind the window recording the whole thing, " NO NO NO," Tails said stomping around the room throwing a little tamtrum, " you're at MY mercy you're SUPPOSED to be SCARED!", " SCARED?" Bendy Laughed " of what, you gonna break a window or something!". before tails could respond how ever the door opend and two figures stepped in and the room went dead quiet

( TBC in part 3 chapter 11 =] )

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