Demon hunters part 3 ( chapter 11 )

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The figures that stepped into the cold stinky room, where agents 1 and 2, agent 1 just glared at agent 3 with an eye brow rasied, " well, " she asked tilting her head slightly " did ya' get any answers outta them yet?" Agent 2 mean while was doing his best to calm tails down which was not working, at all. Tails was still throwing a big fat tamtrum, 

" NO!" " tails yelled stomping his foot, " THEY KEEP LAUGHIN' AT ME LIKE SOME SORTTA JOKE!" 

"  because you are a joke!" Alastor laughed " for a villian any ways!"

" SHUT IT BAMBI I WILL SHOVE A BOMB DOWN YOUR THROAT!" Tails screamed pointing a finger right in his face again, while yet again Bendy was watching some spider making a web in the corner of the room, cups was day dreaming about god knows what, Al was making fun of tails as ya do, Agent 3 left the room  to read fanfic, the other 2 agents were trying their best to calm tails down so he could leave the room, but after a few minutes  of that, the agents just decided to push tails outta the room by force, tails did not go without a fight though because he punched agent 2 right in the face, He fell to the ground with his nose all bloody, Al watched this utter choas unfold with a face of pure joy he also tried to not laugh that didn't last very long, He burst out laughing because pain is hilarious, agent 2 slowly got up but he feel again, this time bendy looked away from the spider and saw agent 2 sprawled out on the ground and she also laughed again, agent 1  who was busy trying to get tails out of the room so the humans could talk to the demons but before they could do that though, The lights inside the room broke some how and glass shards landed the others, 

" aw c'mon man " bendy groaned " that's gonna take ages to come out"

Then the room shook violently so violently in fact that the, agent's fell to the floor, " what the hell" agent 2 mutterd picking up his glasses, "did the news say there was gonna be an earthquake?" agent 1 asked standing up and dusting her self off but again the room shook and yet again they fell like dominos ( not the pizza place =/) 

" you guys gonna interrogate us now or ya'll gonna keep fallin' down like idoits?" cups asked laughing, the agents again got up and walked over the idoits and let stupid questions begin after HOURS of questions the agents barely had an new info at all, every body was now out of brain cells and food, mostly food, " ugh, can you let us go now!" bendy groaned " I'm starving!" and her freinds know the first thing about bendy besides her sass is don't mess with her when shes hungry, unless you want to be paste then that's fine, The agents mean while where frustrated beyond belief they where actually considering  letting them go but they where detrmiend to get at least one answer from the three, but nothing was working at ALL, just as the agents agreed to let them go the room shook once again and the lights popped leaving everyone in pitch black darkness. 

" aw now WHAT?" agent 1 yelled standing up and getting out her phone and using the flash light to look around, agent 2 was still on the ground, " ow what the hell is THAT!" agent 2 screamed backing up against the wall and grabbing bendy's cross bow and pointing it at what ever that  gaint brick looking thing is, " wait wall?" said bendy squinting in the dark, " uh- what?" they repiled " oh right i'm here to save your asses" and just like that they untied all of them but before they could leave how ever an aroww flew and hit wall right in the side, " oh c'mon" and just like that wall was nothing but crumbs with purple glasses on, Bendy looked down at wall and back at agent 2 and she was PISSED, wall was their only ticket outta here and it's not like she could use her portals at least not at the moment, Bendy stormed up to agent 2 and slapped him right across the face as hard and as powerful as she could, agent 2 looked at agent 1 and she just backed up not wanting to deal with an angry bendy, but she could've done a lot more damage but she didn't really want to she was getting really tired and really fast, and just like that she fell to the floor asleep, Alastor just looked at the crumble of wall and back at the trummatized agents and the sleeping bendy, " uh- you rebuild wall i'll get bendy!" and al took off to help his bestie cups mean while  just stood there like an idiot but he did eventually did rebuild wall and al came back carrying  bendy like a sack of potatoes. " welp what now" AL asked looking behind him, but bendy was waking up now she passed out for like a second,  "what the heck is going" she asked looking around " and when did i get so TALL?"

"uh- this is ackward" al said placing bendy down

" . . . very- soooo hold on imma get something real quick" bendy said grabbing a spider from the corner, " i'm gonna name him Edgar"  she said holding up him up proudly, " well now that's over-" said wall " hold on wait!" cups said leaving the room, to get the others things, when he came back he gave al his mic back and gave Bendy her cross bow, " thanks buddy" said bendy patting him on the head. cups smiled " no problem mom" saluting, Bendy's little tail wagged and her eyes lit up, " oh my god I love you so much!" and bendy gave cup's the most bone crushing hug she could give a person, which was a LOT, after about 30 seconds of that, she let go and she looked at wall, " soooo how are we gonna get back to heck-" she asked, " um- hold on" wall said

[ insert ritual here ]

" there we go" said wall stepping back and looking down into a very red and firery portal, " so who's going first" they said, cups looks down and backs up " uh i dunno about about this-" but he was cut off by bendy grabbing his hand, " well, it's the only way back-" bendy said shrugging, " that's fair" and into the portal they went, next was al lastly wall, when the others did arrive back in heck it was CHAOS as usual, soonic and foxy where fighting and not only with words, leaf was hidding in a closet along with mangle, charrlie and vaggie, Niffty was taped to the roof? 

( tbc in chapter 12 =] )

alastor and freinds in hellNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ