Inkwel Island part 2 ( chapter 14 )

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                             ( mean while inside the day care )

                                           ( Cuphead's pov )

while me and Mugsy where going down the tube slide for the 5th time we both landed in a ball pit I looked around and saw Al standing near the door but he looked worried? That's when I heard the sobbing from outside, i tapped Mugsy on the arm " you hear that?" i asked him with an eyebrow raised, " hear what exactly?" he repiled stepping outside the ball pit, that's when Oswald walked up to me and asked where Bendy was I said I'm pretty sure she's outside but I don't know for sure"  he thanked me and walked outside, then Al came up to both of us, " you guys wanna go some where else?" he asked us looking over he shoulder towards the door, mugs just shrugged " yea I guess but where?", " uhm- . . . well. . .  Bendy used all my money on those stupid stuffies sooooo. . . the park perhaps?" he said looking over his shoulder again, what's with that I have no idea but the park isn't so bad kinda wanted to go to devils casnio again but mugs would  kill me if i went any where near that place, so i stod up from the ball pit dusted myself off, grabbed mugs hand and we went out the back door for reasons unknown at the park I saw this person with a polar bear mask just standing there, his brown and purple hair was all  over the place he just looked  outta place ya know?  I mean he was wearing a very bright yellow suit coat thing with a white under shirt, long selves that where two different colors bright blue and bright pink, " CUPHEAD!" Mugs yelled at me he also slapped me behind the head, mine spun around like some baybalde, I out both my hands on the side of my head stoping me from lossing my pan cakes I had this morning, " OW, WHAT?" I yelled back, " its rude to stare ya know?" he said rolling his eyes, " i-. . . what ever jerk" I whisperd, walking away, 

( tails POV )

Now Oswald was here of all people trying to calm his future wife down was it working yes. . . but not very well might I add while that was going on I grabbed a traquillzer dart from my bag with an evil smirk I threw right at Oswald neck, Bendy looked right at the semi-conscious Oswald then right at me and boy was she MAD did I care no not really, Oswald was now made of rubber and his limbs where noodles which was pretty funny to watch but I have to stay focused Bendy mean while was getting steamed like actually steamed her HEAD was steaming! anyways before she even toutched me I sped to the left and she face planted on the cement scuffing her face a little bit, she looked at me again so confused how ever I came prepared for this becuase I upgraded my boots with super speed now I used my boot to hold her down as I stabed her in the back with the dart she glared at me with pure haterd before she fell asleep along with her so called futrue husband, now grabbed them both by the scruff of there shirts not Oswald anyways he only wears those stupid looking shorts, I dragged them both to any alleyway and reached in my bag put in the code again, it opened and I pulled out my Phone and Called the other agents, 

" I got two outta the six by the way" I said proudly eyeing the two idoits making sure that they where indeed not conscious those darts where speacllily made by yours truly anyways, 

" wait two outta SIX? we don't need SIX we only said to get the two demons!" Agent 1 yelled at me jesus she was loud I kept the phone away at a safe distance to make sure I woudn't go deaf

" I KNOW THAT YOU DUMBASS! but still I'm getting SIX or them and there's no way in HELL you're gonna stop me!" I yelled back a grin on my face growing, 

" ya know what FINE get six of them I don't care anymore alright why did you even call us anyways!" wow she's stupid, I sighed rubbing my temples,

" HOW THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT ME TO GET SIX PEOPLE OVER TO THE DAMN FACLITILY!" I yelled at her I was losing braincells talking to this woman, 

" don't you have that stupid portal machince ya made with you?" she asked me I could tell she was frustrated with me but couldn't give less of a shit I do now, oh yea and I made a portal machince but i couldn't fit the football sized thing in my bag! 

" NO, I don't I couldn't fit the damn thing in my bag okay?!" I screamed at her, I heard whispering in the back ground I'm guessing that she was talking to agent 2, she then called me again but on face time, I sighed and answered the face time call, I was getting a little impatient becuase the other could be god knows where at this point, but i spent 20 whole minutes explaning how it works and FINALLY she got the thing to work and turn on, there was a gust of wind where i was standing and in front of me was a portal and inside the portal was the faclitily i grabbed them both by the arms threw them inside, then the portal shut behind me, 2 down uhm. . . 4 more to go. 

( mean while in the park ) 

mugs and cups where yelling at eachother for god knows what but the polar bear dude came up to both of them, but they didn't notice until Al came up to him like the best dad he is, " can i help you?" he asked looking him in the weird polar bear mask he has on, he dude just shuruged  "listen man I can they please fight some where else I have a damn headache" he said rubbing his head, Al just looked at the bois and spawned in his mic and pushed the bois apart, " there problem sloved" he said proudly but it wasn't a problem sloved they just kept fighting al and the polar bear guy face plamed, or mask plamed i guess, the two dudes had no idea what they where fighting about it just sounded like they were speaking in another langue, all of the sudden a dart came flying out of now where and hit al right in the neck, he looked down and saw the thing and pulled it out, without feeling a thing, tails who was hidding in a nearby bush

( tails pov )

what? how did that happen! he should've been knocked out cold! ugh! great and I've only got so manty darts left I guess I'll just get the cup kids first, I shot a dart right in their arms and a few seconds later and a lot of panick from the cooked deer man, they where both out like a light! yes now I just gotta some how get the two away from the so called dad maybe. . . I could, uhm- I have no idea, I hoped out the bush and walked over to the deer dad while he was shaking his son back to life and the weird polar bear mask guy was a little panicked but none the less i grabbed 2 darts also known as my last darts they take ages to make but what ever it'll be worth it when boss  will be proud  of ME! I snuck up behind deer man stabed him right in the back with 2 darts, and he knocked out in the snap of a finger, Polar bear mask guy, whipped around and saw me and I couldn't tell how he was feeling because of that dumb mask but whatever i reached in my bag put in the code and pulled out a memory earser, the polar bear mask guy just stood there sizing me up, and I didn't like it one single bit!  

" SAY CHEESE MOTHER FUCKER" I yelled at him with an insane look in my eyes and an evil grin on my face

" fuck this shit im out" and he walked away? okay then weirdo I called the agents again and just like before a portal opend and I threw the other's inside 

( a few moments later )

they where all now tied to chairs now, now all we have to do is wait for the fun to begin

(tbc in chapter 14 )

a/n- im running out of ideas =,D

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