random crack chapter

23 1 4

              a/n: this thing was inspired by a friend  of mine :D also this has nothing to do with the plot of the acutal story. 

( skip to the bar with wall and husk ) 

"JESUS KID" husk shouted yanking the 5th bottle of wine that wall drunk in one whole hour" i think you had enough of this shit for a while" he turns around to but the bottle away, when the bottle started hovering out of husks hand, " what the fuck-" he mutters watching the magical bottle hover over to where wall was standing, and they take another swig of the magic juice inside it, husk again yanks the bottle but this time he smashes it on the ground, the whine and glass shards go every where. " never liked whine anyways" husk says mostly to himself than to wall, wall who was god knows where at this point, husk pulls out a empty whine bottle and filled it with water, " here just drink this" he says pushing the bottle towards wall, they just look at the bottle with a very sus experesion on their face." did you put water in this?" they ask " uh-no" husk repiles. "then why is it clear?". "uhm- its a new kind of whine we just had in stock"

" ah okay." and they take a one single sip of it and they just turned ragdoll mode on, wall pyshics where turned off," wall now has turned to jelly and wall smashes onto the floor breaking at least five stools, 

" WHAT THE FUCK just happend?!" husk yells looking over to countertop to see a jelly wall 

" what in the name of scott was THAT?" bendy stomps down the stairs, and peeks over the railing to see wall who was made of jelly now. bendy snaps her head towards husk with a VERY pissed off face, husk's ears where pinned to the side of his head and he was sweating bullets, he backed up until he hit the back of the bar where all the whine's and beer's where. " listen i have no FUCKIN' clue what happend i just found an empty whine bottle, filled it with water and-" but husk's rambling was cut off by Bendy " WOAH WOAH woah, you gave them WATER do you know what happens when you give wall WATER?" " uh no?" husk repiles. " WELL that happens when you give wall-" but wall was now where to been seen, they where gone, " WHERE DID THEY GO?" bendy yeets herself off the railing of the staris almost breaking her ankles, little did they know that jelly wall was in Al's room messing with this magic stick he found in the woods.

" oOoOhHhh MaAggIc StIcK thInG !" wall takes the stick off of Alastors desk, and says " AvAdA KeDaRvA" a gaint blast of green lighting shoots out the tip of the wand and blows a portion of the hotel off, Alastor stroms up the staris and yeets the door off its hinges

" WHAT IN THE NAME OF VOLDY MOLDLY WAS THAT!" deer man looks down and sees wall there sprawled on the red carpet holding a stick, with a very derpy face, Al attemps to set wall down on the his bed but that didn't work wall just yelled a lamp to the back of Al's head, al drops wall and they hit the floor doing a jiggle thing, ( Jiggle is a funni word ) Al rubs the back of his head, 

" how the hell did you even get up the staris?"

"mAgIc YoU sTuPiD HuMaN FuRy!"

" im not a damn furry-"

" YeS yOu ArE YoU FuCkIN' BaMbI BiTCh!"

" will everyone please stoping callin me BAMBI"

" It sUiTs YoU ThOuGH. . . FuCkIN MaN WhOrE!"

" HEY I AM NOT A MAN WHORE YOU. . . whats the word. . . sentient pebbles!"

" WoOoOoW SoooOOOO cReAtIvE, AmAzInG InSulT YoU BiTcH!"

bendy pops in and sees wall on the ground, " oh shit it's happend already" she whisper to her self, " OI wall can you get your gelatin ass up?" 

" LikE I wOuLD YoU. . . InKy AsSwIpE!"

bendy just sighs, " wall hold on i need to think" she paces back and forth trying to find a way to get wall down the staris with out wall hitting some one with a magic flying chair or something.

" HoW thE FuCk Can YoU ThInK WitHoUt a bRaiN!" wall then laughs their ass off 

" SHUT UP ALREADY!" bendy yells still pacing back and forth al meanwhile pushes wall down the staris and they jiggle their way down, hitting their head on the first floor, " oh that works too i guess" bendy mutters and for the next few hours where the most burtal hours mostly because wall turns into an ass hole when their drunk and wall stays drunk for an entire NIGHT so the group barely got any sleep that night

( the story shall contuine tommrow! )

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