wall's mini satin spawns ( chapter 16 )

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( the next morning )

That morning Bendy introduced Oswald to every one just to get it over with, Foxy was happy for his best friend and he was teasing her about it right next to Oswald who was talking to mangle and she was asking some very weird questions like some 18+ questions if you know what I mean, leaf was on his phone not doing much, wall was aleep figures, soonic was at hell mart getting chilli dogs, tails was god knows where, Charlie and Vaggie where sleeping, Niffty was still taped to the roof and husk was drinking his daily dose of cheap booze, While every one was doing their own things Bendy snuck away into the bar to test something out she walks up to husk holding a can of cat nip. Husk looks at her a little confused but he puts his booze down,  "what is that?" he asked pointing at the sus looking can while holding his beer, Bendy peels the lid off the can when Alastor spawns right behind bendy, she turns around and jumps about a foot in the air which she drops the can of cat nip right on the wooden floor

"muchas gracias sammy la fresa!" Bendy yelled stomping her boot on the ground, "¡Ahora tengo que ir a comprar otra lata", Al just looked at husk really confused while she was yelling angery taco at him, husk just shrugged and kept drinking his cheap booze, " ya done now?" Al asked crossing his arms and glareing down at bendy, she looks at the cat nip on the floor then at Al and she just crosses her arms, " me debes otra lata de cat nip" she mutterd as she walked away as she was stroming into the kitchen she saw, the door shaking and the others watched the door confused other took no chances and booked it to their rooms to hide, wall was asleep, " what the heck is going on with the door?" Bendy asked herself as if to answer her question the door burst down with a THUD and what came running inside the hotel is what looked like mini marshmallows about 6 inches tall and made of concrete they all had weird cracks on their faces, some had whole chunks of their faces missing?!, some had monocles? and other things on them, wall snaped awake and looked absolutely terrified, in spilt second wall hoverd in the air and above all theses mini marshmallows with cracks on them, the little things stopeed and looked up and saw wall, one of the mini things, stepped up to the front of the crowd and yelled. " BROTHERS AND SISTERS WE HAVE FOUND THE ONE WHO LEFT US BEHIND, LEFT US TO SIT IN OUR OWN FLITH AND SHAME!!!" the leader wall who was the tallest about a foot tall and with a crack on their eye that kinda looked like a scar, the leader looked up at wall with pure hatred and contuined on with their speech, " AT LAST AFTER 10 YEARS WE HAVE-" but they where intuerputed by another mini, " weren't we only looking for mom for about 6 months?!" she yelled, but the leader ignored her and kept talking, " as i was saying, WE HAVE FOUND THEM!" drammatic pause here, " OUR MOTHER!"

" woah woah woah" said mangle looking up at wall  " you- made all of those THINGS? where's the DAD?", wall didn't say anything they where too busy panicking on the inside, mangle stepped off the couch and looked under it, " where's leaf at?" Mangle mutterd looking at the crowd of mini walls, " I'm pretty sure he's under all those mini walls?" Foxy said pointing his hook at them, " oh-. . . well," mangle repiled sitting on the couch, bendy was in awe and in shock after seeing the mini walls, " OH. MY. GOD" she bolted to the mini walls knocking Mangle off the couch and on her head in the process but Bendy didn't care she picked up 5 mini walls, " uhm- bendy you should put them down they probably have rabies-" wall whisperd, " so?" said Bendy " look at THEM they're so CUTE" she squealed hugging them but not too tight she might crush them, " what in the mitosis is THAT?!" Al yelled hanging on the ceiling fan, " why are there so MANY?!", the leader looked up again and saw Al, " WE ARE THE WALL REBELLION HERE TO TAKE DOWN THE ONE WHO RUNNIED OUR LIVES!" the leader pulled out a stick from god knows where and it looked really simaliar to the one that Al had but he didn't think much of it, that's when Cuphead walked in rubbing his eyes from being so tired last night and the fact that angel's room is right next ro Cup's room didn't help at all, he walked in the main lobby and saw the mini wall rebellion and for a hot second he thought he was dreaming but he wasn't cuase he just woke up, " what the hell?" he said looking up at his so called dad hanging on the celing fan, " why are you up THERE?", AL just pontied down at the mini walls, they where fighting over who gets to kill wall once and for all, wall just floated there looking down at they're kids fighting and they slowly scooted against another wall and used camouflage to blend in and they scooted towards the bar, Bendy was busy force adopting the mini walls, Al was hanging on the celing fan, cuphead was watching this whole thing regreting this life chocies, mangle was looking for leaf she still couldn't find him, foxy was just hidding behind the couch, 

" ENOUGH ALL OF YOU" the leader yelled and the fighting stopped and the other walls just froaze and started at the leader with hatred in their eyes, " I THINK I SHOULD KILL MOTHER I WAS THE ONE WHO PUT THIS WHOLE THING TOGETHER AND I WAS THE ONE WHO GOT US HERE?" 

" um- leader'"


" mother isn't there any more"

" OH shit-"



" sure you will buddy!"

" OH REALLY?" leader pulled out the magic stick and pointed it at another wall " INCENDIO!" and the wall caught fire and crumbled, all the other walls just scooted away from the pile of ashes, they looked at the leader scared for their lives


" AYE BITCH!!" cups yelled pointing at the leader with his finger gun with a smirk on his face, " WHY don't 'cha get outta here already your mother isn't here anymore!" the flame on his finger grew bigger, 

" MAKE ME YOU STUPID CUP KID!" the leader yelled pointing his stick at cups

" ohh wow such and orgianl insult" cups repiled rolling his eyes, and he shot the leader right in the middle and he crumbled the other walls looked at each other then at cups and the mini walls ran for their lives, Al hopped down from the celing fan and grabbed the stick and put it in his pocket, he patted his son on the head and went to his room to do things, Mangle stod up and saw leaf crushed where the mini walls where standing, Mangle pulled the leaf of the ground and took him outside, planted him and a few seconds later a new leaf was born, the new leaf walked back into the hotel, sat on the couch and went on his phone, wall came back from the bar, " oh thank god they're gone" they said right before they fell asleep, Bendy still had five of the mini walls and took them to her room to show Oswald. 

( tbc in chapter 17 =] )

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