Demon hunters part. 1 ( chapter 9 )

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a/n: this is gonna be one hell of a chapter 

Tails,Bendy, Alastor and the cupchild jumped into a portal that al just spwaned in, they all landed in some werid looking forest barley any light peeked through the tree line because it was so thicc with massive trees, and in front of them was a very run down pizza place? the windows were broken and planks of wood were nailed onto the windows that weren't broken, cracks were every where inside and outside the building, the one of the two doors in the front where you would enter was now gone, moss and vines grew all around the pizza place, and it stank real bad like some one died in that thing. " ew!" said Cuphead fanning the air " are you SURE this is the place?, I mean it REEKS of a dead body!". bendy digs into her pant pockets and pulls out a slip of paper that in red slopy crayon it said

" that creepy ass pizza place in the woods. =]"

"yea" said bendy folding the paper and putting it back inside her pocket. " this is the place". Bendy slowly walks up the the very run down pizza place careful to not make to much noise for all she knew the person she was after could damn well be still inside and armed, she reaches up to her steam goggles and switches them on, kinda like a mining helmet, but with steam googles on, the inside of the pizza place was WAY worse inside than the outside,  griffti was everywhere, every single room the bendy enterd was coverd in crap griffti, the tiles on the ground where either missing or broken off, and in on the main stage where Chica,Bonnie and freddy would be they where also missing, as bendy was looking around, her fur stod up she was being watched from a distance, she picks up a random piece of glass on the ground. and holds it like a base ball bat ready to slice anyone open. From the kitchen she heard a CLANK bendy slowly walks over to where the sound was like this was some crap hollywood movie-, anyways, 

" who's there? I'm armed I'm warning you!' she yells steping closer and closer to the sound and before she knew a cloth covered her mouth and she fell uncoinus, 

" alright what do we do now?" a voice asked carrying Bendy's no so dead body

" well, first we gotta get the other freaks then we can take em' to the you know where" another voice repiled 

" alright but how do we get the others in here unarmed?'

" i don't know okay figure it out"

" wow such good help i have"

" listen you want the answers to why these demons keep showin' up don't you?"

" YES that's why we're here!"

" then go get the other freaks!"

" yes ma'am!"

( mean while outside )

the rest of them were sitting on the grass waiting for bendy to back up but she never did, " uh- guys shouldn't we go check on bendy she' been gone for a while?" Cuphead asked, " meh- she'll show up maybe she found a cool rock or somethin'?" tails said digging in his bag looking for some of those mints, he couldn't find any, " WHAT!" tails yelled dumping his bag on the grass he kept looking through the pile of gagets and gizmos he had and still no mints, " UGH, i could've sworn i put some in here" . cuphead just sighed, " well. . . I'm gonna go look for her" he said standing up and dusting his pants off. " woah woah, not without your old man you ain't" Alastor stod up and spawned in his mic just in case, he looked back at tails who was still looking for his mints" you comin' or what ". tails scoped up all his gagest and put them all in his leather bag, still pissed about having no mints, " lead the way  cups" said Al, Cups noded and his glove  now had a small blue flame dancing on the tip of his finger, as they slowly walked inside with little to no light at all, cups finger flame helped but no by much, " hold on i think i have something in this bag" tails dug inside his bag and pulled out a flashlight he clicked it on and before they knew it, cups had a rag to his face and like the amazing dad he was Al SWUNG that mic hitting some person right in the face, the person fell to the ground his nose bleeding and a tooth most likely missing. Al slowly walked up to the human, Al's eyes were now radio dials and little symbols floated around al's head, and in a very spoopy radio voice he said. " IF you ever touch my son again i will USE YOUR SKULL as a fruit pucnh bowl!" and just like that Al turned around and saw tails fighting some other agent,  along with cuphead and al was impressed they did make a good team when they weren't fighting so much, but as al was watching this fight go down he felt a very sharp pain on the back of his head, and he now looked like nearly headless nick, al turned around to face the human who's face was coverd in blood, " is that all you've go!" Alastor laughed " THAT's just sad!" 

" what the hell. . ." the human mutterd

" what you've never dealt with a nearly headless demon!"

"I-. . . no"

and little did Al know that there was a 3rd agent right above him in the vent system ( i swear if i see an amoung us comment i will put fire ants in your bed), the 3rd agent dove right on to al's shoulder and pluked his head off entirely, the 3d agent yeets the head of al to the other agent with the bloodly nose, the bloody nosed agent then puts his head into a sack. 

" aw c'mon you GUYS suck!" and his staff was also put inside the bag, " OW watch it that thing has about 500 demon souls and trust me you don't wanna mess with that!" 

meanwhile, cups and tails where pretty brused up by they could handle it, cups. .  . skull thing was chipped but it's fine, tails's nose was bleeding and so was his upper lip, the 1st agent didn't look so good, she had bruns every where on her cloths on her face every where, and she also had a gaint scratch mark on her eye as well, 

" filthy demons, why don't 'cha just give up we alreadly have two of ya its only a matter of time!" she laughed loading up her gun

" oh HO ho we ain't givin' up shit you wannabe blonde!" tails yelled grabing his ray gun but it was outta battery, his ears pinned to the side of his head as he quickly dug in his bag to check his other gagets, none of them were charged enough to do any real damage!, " oh shit oh shit " tails mutterd, he still had his tranquilizer darts right? yeaa, nope, he used them all to put the mint factory workers to sleep so he could rob em. and just like that tails was out cold, cups was the only one left, agent one had an evil grin on her face ready for murder, cups did put up a good fight but it wasen't good enough to beat 3 agents on his own, and he was alos put to sleep for a long while. . .

 ( TBC in chapter  10 =])

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