"Strange. You're a fairy but you don't have any wings."

Vaggie looked offended. 

"You're one to talk, you're a mermaid but you have no tail. What are you doing with human legs?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult you." She said sincerely. "I've never actually met a fairy before."

Vaggie calmed down once she realized that Charlie truly meant no offense and that her words came from innocence rather than malice.

"I apologize for letting my temper get the better of me." She said. "But for future references don't talk to a fairy about their wings. We're very sensitive about them."


"Now if you don't mind me asking, how do you have legs or what are you doing on dry land?"

"I'm on a bit of a Summer Study. I'm trying to gather information and evidence to prove to my family that the human race can be beneficial as well as malicious."

"I see, and how is that working out for you?"

"So far not as bad as I had feared. I've already befriended two very nice humans who have invited me to live with them for the Summer."

"Is that little girl one of them?"

"Yes. The other one is her older brother."

"Do they know what you really are?"

"Beth does but her brother doesn't know a thing about it."

"And do you think that she can be trusted with such a secret? Children are quite the blabber mouths."

"True but Beth can be trusted, and you'll find that in some cases children can be more sensible than adults. Not always mind you but sometimes."

"Well from one paranormal creature to another, be careful about who you meet around here. You're right to believe that humanity can be good but don't forget that humanity can be evil too."

"Sounds like you're speaking from experience." Charlie deduced. "Could I ask you something? If you're originally from Spain or from Latin America, then what are you doing in the states? From what I've heard fairies never leave their place of origin because the hollow from which they sprang from is the source of their energy and magic."

"It's a complicated story. One that I would prefer not to get into. At least not now."

"I understand but how do you keep your strength up? Surely being this far from your hollow has made you very weak."

"Before I left home I took a twig from my hollow and planted it here. Within three days it grew into a small but strong tree that would provide me with all the energy I needed."

"I didn't know such a thing could be done."

"Neither did I at first. It was quite a gamble."

"Where do you live?"

"I'd rather not say. It's a little shameful."

"I won't be ashamed wherever you come from but if you want to keep quiet about it then I understand. But do you think that maybe we could be friends?"


"Sure. There aren't many people around here who a have similar history to me and sometimes I get very anxious for someone to talk to about everything. I can't tell Beth's brother the whole story for obvious reasons and even though Beth knows my secret, she's still too young to understand certain things. Also you seem like you've been around here for a longtime so maybe you could help me blend in better."

"I don't know." Vaggie said in a voice unsure. "I'm not exactly someone who keeps friends. I normally keep to myself."

"If that's what you prefer I'll respect that but if you ever do want to be friends, you can find me at the Summer house at the top of the hill by the shore. That's where I'm staying."

"Thanks for the offer, not let me repay you with some more advice. Stay away from anything here that promotes business in the entertainment field. Theme parks, zoos, aquariums, and especially circuses. If anyone in that line of work discovers what you are, you'll become the newest side show attraction."

Beth returned at that moment and that ended their conversation. When they finished their breakfast, they thanked Vaggie for her kindness and made their way back up to the house. Vaggie also returned to her lodgings which was none other than,

 Valentino's Circus of Voodoo Tricks and Cajun Freaks.

Poor Vaggie, the reason why she left her hollow was because she was a fairy who had been born without wings. All the other fairies teased and tormented her. Making nasty jokes and insults such as;

"Hey what do you call a fairy without wings?"

"I don't know, what?"

"Nothing. Who'd want to call a wingless fairy?"

"Just look at that scrawny thing! She can't even fly!"

 "How unattractive."

"The word my dear, is ugly."


"How could she have possibly come from our hollow?"

The only one in the hollow who had ever accepted Vaggie was her nanny. Unlike most creatures, Fairies did not have a mother or a father, they merely sprouted from the flowers that blossomed on the branches of their scared hollow tree. However each a fairy is given a Nanny to nurture and teach them until they reached adulthood. Vaggie's nanny, Verona, in particular had been a very old fairy, an old and lonely one who had longed for the opportunity to raise a little one. But because of her age she had been denied each opportunity. But when the wingless Vaggie appeared among the golden petals of the hollow blossom, no other potential guardian would take her. No other except Verona.

"She's perfect." She declared when she saw Vaggie the first time. "So tiny, so fragile yet so strong and so beautiful. She may not have wings but she'll have gifts and talents to make up for that."

Verona raised Vaggie well, with plenty of love and guidance. She grew into a fine young fairy and just as her nanny had predicted, she had gifts and talents that made up for her lack wings. She was an advanced scholar on magic, proved to be more than formidable in combat, and was the most graceful dancer that God had ever placed on earth. She made Verona very proud and her love for her nanny made the ridicule from her people bearable. 

But then her poor nanny eventually died and Vaggie was left alone with only the bullying and harassment. She couldn't take it anymore after that, so she left and came to the nation known as U.S.A. Through the Spring, Summer, and Fall she made it just fine on her own but come the cold Winter days, she nearly froze to death. It was during that very Winter, she was found by Valentino and when he heard her story he offered to not only give her shelter with him but to grant her the one thing she always wanted. Wings. But they came at a price.

Vaggie was so miserable and so close to death that she agreed to his terms. And true to his word, Valentino did shelter Vaggie but her new home was one where she had no freedom and had to be a subject of ridicule for humans. As for the wings he promised her, they were illusionary wings that would only appear when she performed in his circus. She wanted to leave but once you make a deal with someone like Valentino he owns you for life. She could never escape, and on some days she would wonder that perhaps she had been better off freezing to death. 

"If God will have mercy." Vaggie thought. "That mermaid will be smarter than I was."

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