You're a Paprika [Chapter VII]

Start from the beginning

it was locked

"shit," I cursed under my breath. I looked down at myself. My hospital gown was ripped and muddy, along with my bandages, arms, and legs. I smacked myself in the face, instantly regretting it as a stinging pain shot through my arm.

Okay, maybe someone lived here? That's stupid. This place isn't even taken care of. It felt like if I coughed too hard, the house would crumble down to dust. Who would live in this beat up house all alone? I sighed and decided it was worth a shot. My hip injury hurt a bit less now. I checked and it was sewn closed with stitches.

I'll live.

I knocked on the peeling, dark wood door with my elbow, since both my hands hurt like hell. I didn't expect anyone to open the door, I was about to try and break the window with a rock when the door opened. I was standing in front of them, a large rock in my arms, looking like an escaped psych ward patient.

Maybe I could play it off like I'm one of those crystal zodiac people.

yOu aRE a pApRikA~

"haha, sorry," I said, dropping the rock, rubbing the back of my neck. "I just really needed a place to sta-" our eyes locked. I didn't know whether to be scared, laugh, or weirded out.

The person who opened the door was nothing like I expected. It was a small brunette girl with green eyes. She was in a pretty pink dress. And of course, it had to be totally out of the ordinary. Blood was dripping down her head and she was dragging a toy around like in those horror movies. She waved at me, tilting her head in confusion.

must protect small child

I opened my mouth to speak to the kid but I was interrupted again when a boy appeared behind her. He was dressed in a green elf costume. His skin was pale and he was a bit shorter than me. He had pointed ears and blonde hair. What made me stop in my tracks was his eyes. A dark void with red pupils. They dripped with a mixture of blood and an odd thick, black liquid. His eyes narrowed, staring at me. The boy waved the small girl back into the house, then his stance changed into a fighting position.

"HEY HEY I COME IN PEACE," I shouted, closing my eyes and holding my hands up.

"Who are you, and why are you here," He shouted, pulling out an iPad. Just like I was with Jeff, this guy didn't scare me. He looked like a crusty, peanut butter fingered iPad kid. Yes there were his eyes but I kept thinking to myself it was a really good halloween costume.

"Yo, chill out kid. I'm just trying to find some safety," I held my hands up in front of me, trying to calm him down like a horse.

"Did boss call for you?" He asked, squinting his eyes at me.

"No, I actua-" I answered.

"ok," He said and shrugged. He reached for the doorknob.


I was now facing the same old peeling wooden door.


I kicked at the door, demanding him to open it again. I couldn't stay out here like this. It's cold, I'm injured, my feet ached, and my clothes were barely even holding on.

"OPEN UP BRAT! ITS COLD OUT HERE!" I yelled, kicking the door so hard I thought it would break off its hinges. I saw the door crack open. The green elf was nowhere to be seen. Instead, I was greeted with a grey skinned humanoid creature with eyes sort of like the elf's. Or, non eyes? He didn't have pupils. He didn't even have eyes. It was oozing with this tar-like liquid. He was quite tall, making me have to gaze up to look him in the face.

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