Second Part

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Another day of rainy day season, Chloe jumped off into her bed when her alarms ringing. It was another day that she will going to work so she prepared her breakfast, a sandwich with bacon, lettuce, ham, cheese, and a sauce inside the sandwich made her body system woke up already. And all of her morning routines follow after she ate her breakfast.

After she finished her breakfast, she brushed her teeth, put on some make up, and put on her name tag and she went outside to go for a walk to the convenient store where she bought her foods last night. She skipped her school but she sent a letter of excuse to their teacher. She went inside to the convenient store and she saw her boss opening his store so she helped him outside.

"Good morning, sir!"- she greeted her boss and he just nod his head and smile at her.
"How's your night? Did you sleep tight?"- her boss asked her as his concern.
"Yes, sir."- she replied.
"How about the guy you helped yesterday? Is he alright?"- her boss asked her again so she remember that delivery boy again.

Actually, she slept for only 7 hours last night, thinking how was the delivery boy doing. He never texted or called her number so she thought if he erased her number from his phone. "I gave my number last night but he never texted or called me. I was wondering if he gets fired because of me."- she answered her boss with a sad reaction on her face, that she really felt a guilt.

"Why would you say it's because of you?"- her boss.
"We bumped into each other and he spilled out all of the items on the road. I'd volunteer to helped him but he refused."- she replied to her boss and he just nod his head.
"It's okay, Chloe. I know you're kind. Oh! By the way, I'm off later and I ordered some pizza and spaghetti for you, just wait here. Okay?"

"You ordered some just for me, sir?"- her boss just nod again. "But how can I eat that all?"- she confusedly asked.
"Just leave some if you can't eat all of them then you will eat them at home when you're finish your work."- her kind boss said so she smiled at him as her thank you.
"Thank you, sir. You're the best."- she said sincerely.
"Welcome, Chloe."

Few minutes later Chloe's boss left his convenient store with only Chloe inside, selling goods and waiting for the delivery boy who give her some snacks ordered by her boss. She's scrolling her phone using a website when the door of the store open and shut so she expecting that's a customer. But to her surprise the delivery boy from last night just came in.

Is he the delivery boy her boss' told her? She looked at that guy, what a handsome face. "Hi! Do you remember me?"- Chloe asked that guy.
"Do I know you, ma'am?"- the delivery boy confusedly asked Chloe. The lights last night are almost fade so he didn't recognized her.
"I'm Chloe, the girl who helped you from last night."

The delivery boy suddenly remember her. "Oh! Yes, ma'am. I remember you. Actually, is this the store I will delivered these pizza's and spaghetti's?"- the delivery boy asked Chloe.
"Yes! Uhm, sorry, my boss isn't around. Thank you for this. How much is it by the way?"- she asked the delivery boy.
"It's already paid, ma'am."

"Okay, thank you again."- she smiled at him and she opened one of the pizza's to take a break and suddenly she saw an enveloped so she opened it and saw a few hundreds of money in it. "Excuse me-"- she turned her head around but the guy has gone already. She counts the money inside the envelope and that was the exact amount she gave to the delivery boy last night.

It strange to see a man like him, a very kind and not an arrogant one. Before she thinks of something again, the doors open and a bunch of customers came inside to buy something.
Fast forward it was 5 in the afternoon before it's getting dark so she wait for her boss to come around before she leave the store and when her boss came, she left the store already.


Tomorrow it was the day she went to the school to study, she asked one of her classmates what activities or assignment did she missed. "Excuse me, is there any activities or assignments did I missed yesterday?"- she asked one of her girl classmate.
"Here you are."- the girl voluntary open her notes for her, she just missed an activity, that's all.

Then she overheard gossips from behind.
"Did you heard over the teachers' office? There's a boy transferring to our classroom!"- a girl excitedly spread the news to her friends.
"Really? Is he handsome?"- a girl curiously asked.
"Yes! He's handsome! Some students saw him!"- a girl replied to her girl friend.

After she finished her activity, she sit on her chair because their professor came in and a guy suddenly enters the room. She bow her head after seeing a guy transferring to their room but then she remembered a guy from yesterday where she works and the night a guy she helped a guy and that was the same guy who will be transferring to their room. She raised her head in disbelief.

She's not wrong! It's him! But, what is he doing here? All she know that guy is already 25 and above because of his handsome face leveling to a matured and independent man but she didn't know he's just in her age level.
"Okay, please introduce yourself."- their teacher said to that guy so she listens what's his real name to know more about him.

"My name is Christian Jackson Galois Louis, 25 years old. I stopped going to school because of family issues. Nice to meet you."- he bow his head as he stop introducing himself. Some girls are whispering in amazed how muscular he is and they were amazed by his handsome appearance. But before Chloe look around, their eyes finally meet into each other.

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