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sakura empire, shouki pov:

now in the afternoon with the tainbots all over the sakura empire observing and getting pretty familiar to being inside of the akura empire's naval base, with them and the autobot who was first to even discover the suspicious behavior posed by akagi, under he asumption that one implication that somebody actually kept the remains of majin zarak hidden somewhere in the base...

shouki: that your name right?

mikasa: absolutely!

suiken: i suspect that this akagi and kaga somehow implied that they kept the technologies and possibly the kansen form of this majin zarak...

mikasa: what?... you mean that? oh no...this means that the same form of technology of where you come this means...

suiken: i heard that you secretly purchased and traded information and technology...and making our native tech as a subtle subsitute...

mikasa: wait how in the world did you even heard of this?

suiken: i am a reknown strategist, and i knew that this would even happen, since i did my research on earth's history, that japan or what you call the sakura empire is pretty desperate and depraved to catch up in the war...

shouki: that's right! all we need to o to win a big fight is to simply combine into raiden!

mikasa: now we must do everything in our power to stop akagi!

piranha: and there's one problen!...we need to know who we can trust...

mikasa: well you are pretty close with hakuryuu?

piranha: well she seems to be pretty close to me and i learn that i somehow left her a trong impression that i can shoot a giant ninja star...

shouki: ok! that aside, so who can we trust?

mikasa: we don't know...but i have a good guess that the more disillusioned members or willing defectors?

shouki: i can heavily doubt that...

suiken: i can doubt it also...since this place is pretty violent...

they all walked to where most girls that live in the sakura empire usually at during their break time...the onmyoji lodge, and there is that where they might be able to recruit some trustworthy kansen to fight against akagi and kaga who is strongly implied to have in their possession...the deactivated and unanimated body of the cybertronian superweapon and supersoldier...majin zarak...starting the first phase of their mutiny.

shouki: ok! spread out and meet as many people you as you can!

mikasa: well it can work since you can easily win them over since you are built in the sakura empire due to your origins...

they entered inside of the onmyoji lodge to where suiken now ordered getsuei to go spy on any suspicious individuals while they socialize with the locals here...

suiken: getsuei: I need you to observe the sakura empire while the other trainbots and piranha try to have some of the sakura empire on our side for mikasa's mutiny...

mikasa: how come you chose him?

getsuei: I am the trainbots' nighttime express stealth operative...just don't send me in the middle of the day or where's bright light I'm blind in there...

mikasa: oh...ok!

so now they left the clumsiest of all of the trainbots to now go spy in on the more shady parts of the sakura empire...

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