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now after the aftermath of broadside and some other being turned into girls, where broadside is now being somewhat helplessly pinned to the floor by the iowa-classed battleship new jersey...

new jersey: b-broadside!? your a boy again! this is so sweet! I'm not crazy anymore! ad i really thought i lost my favorite aircraft carrier!

broadside:...uhhh...r-right...i guess your right the, but first can you please get off me, please?

new jersey: oh! ok honey~! and dont'cha love it when your still a girl right? and remember all those fun moments right before that mission of yours!?

broadsie: y-yeah! heheh...well too bad all the girls are on a colony planet though...

flashback, eagle union, broadside pov:

now broadside has finished getting the clothes that the kansen had bought him while he is still transformed into a girl where he is now being asked about how he feels all about it...

new jersey: so how do you feel right now?

broadside: i don't think i-

san Fransisco: maybe now~?

she flips up broadside's skirt but broadside being unaware of being used to the concepts of what gender is so he just stood still and this made them wonder on what he is...

broadside: uhh...what?

san fransisco: oh...kinda forgot that you don't know that a "she" is...right?

broadside: well yeah...i really don't know...

everyone: eeeeehhhhhh!? what do you mean you don't know what a girl is!?

this made broadside flinch at the fact that he is both a Christmas cake in cybertronian terms as well as being unable to know what a girl is or at least let alone know what the concept of gender is about the size of a pin's pointed tip...

broadside: ok! you know that i used to-

???: hey i found this inside broadside's ship...and i find it really kinky!

broadside: archerfish: where did you get that!?

she was waving what looks like a manga around like a kind of flag...

she was waving what looks like a manga around like a kind of flag

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archerfish: hey i think this belongs to you!

broadside: i don't know but i think you should go with...somebody put that there!

new jersey: oh~! you like idols?!

ticondergroda: why no?

archerfish: i think he must've grown out of it since the war happened?

broadside: yeah...i really have no time for it...

then everyone started to tease him as they found out his fetish, but agreed to hide it as what is the point since he probably forgot about it....and they forgave him for it, but they still teased him about it anyway...then after the embarrassing moment of him being exposed, they now moved on with more stuff to trach broadside in how to be more girlier, and as they all did so, the strange visions that came via a hard headachwe are now starting to get clearer and more understandable to read...and now broadside now sees that...

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