CH. 3

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back on the lost light:

an investigation regarding broadside's disappearance and the Autobot detective night beat is looking into it...where nightbeat then sees the alien cube on the floor...

nightbeat: well it looks like that this crazy alien cube is what's left of broadside... I'm guessing some alien relic?

red alert: I hope so...i guess that we could send this to brainstorm and preceptor, to go have take a steady look at it... and if you need me I'll go ask some of the new crew members and especially skylynx who's on board to join our new adventure... and tell siren to let everyone know...

now the chief of security red alert is heading straight to the room where the loud autobot siren to tell him about the new incident...and in the hanger bay in the lost light where skylynx and a deception duo

and in the hanger bay in the lost light where skylynx and a deception duo

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[starscream's gay I get it!]

where they all arrived with skylynx...and are unpacking and walking to the dormitories....while skylinx in the hanger bay.

skylynx: I guess this is the best place to- wait...where'd the trainbots go? huh? "got bored of your boasting -shouki"

starscream and bb pov:

now as theduo are in the hallway to the fact to avoid skylynx's ego...

starscream: at least we got to get away from that weirdo!

bb: roger!...

starscream: yeah! before I came here I found these convenient Energon snack on!

bb: roger!

starscream: don't know don't he was about to attempt to eat all of the cubes all started glowing ...


starscream and bb: aaaaaggghhhh!!!!.....

skylynx pov:

he went up and saw some free energon cubes and thought that it is a free snack, all while looking for both starscream and bb.

skylynx: now where are those two might be?

he now sees the cube that he assumes to be energon....

skylynx: a treat? why mind if I do!

he tried to take a bite out of it and then another bright light then came that is large enough to engulf him

broadside pov, azur lane base:

in the Azur lane base where broadside is starting to feel like a second the lost light  in a way, thinking how could he break the news that he is a cybertronian so he is waiting for the right time and place to reveal everything...

broaside: ,,,, well, uh new jersey,If that's your name right...can i ask you some things?

new jersey: well honey~...this place is where we shine...first we fight the sirens and then we bust them all up!

azur light of the starry sparks [transformers x azur lane]Where stories live. Discover now