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earth, after Unicron attack, ???pov: 

now walking in the streets of a large artificial continent on earth called new/little cybertron where it has stomping in on the streets is a cross between an orca/killer whale and an elephant, in the middle of the night sneaking in the city's alleys...

now walking in the streets of a large artificial continent on earth called new/little cybertron where it has stomping in on the streets is a cross between an orca/killer whale and an elephant, in the middle of the night sneaking in the city's alleys

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???: hmmm...looks somewhat, not like cybertron but if it has more shinier...

...looking around after the planet that is once known by the name of Cybertron, after it has been torn down by the monster planet unicron, who once employed all of the planet eukaris to kill the inhabitants or cybertron, and being one of the survivors of the incident... and the creature then is sitting there knowing that if he asked a cybertronian refugee for help he or she will exclude him due to being a part of the army of which assisted a dark god to destroy the home planet of the cybertronian he transformed into his elephantine robot mode...

as he transformed into his elephantine robot mode

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torca: c'mon torca...what to're another maximal deceived just like liege maximo!

...he is in despair combined with the strange disappearance of his fellow tribemates who are all with underwater specialists...

torca: air hammer, hammerbite, ....cybershark, scuba and your stupid tank, sharpedge, where are you!? one of the smallest tribes in all of eukaris almost gone...where are they!?

his olive green eyes flashing brightly on and off, mostly to signify him crying, as it then continued throughout in the night...until he is now met with a glowing blue cube with i front of him... 

torca: huh?...and energon cube?...well maybe a little snack would help calm the circuits...

he picked up the glowing blue cube, thinking that it is a rare energon cube...and is now opening up his grilled faceplate in an attempt to eat it, and he then see a blinding bright light making him drop it...

torca: aaaaghhh...b-by onyx prime! whats happening!?

he now is feeling that he about to being forced to go to sleep mode by the controversial medical/psychological procedure known as his body is being disintergrated into small blue cubes....

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