"My mom won't let me join that. I do play a lot of instruments." she said. I suddenly have this urge to hear her play music. This is making me feel tingly inside. Danni? Playing music?

The next thing I knew, I was teasing her again "You're probably lying. You're not cool enough to play instruments."

Her eyes glared at me then she said "There's a guitar at the music room. I'll show you how cool I am!"

"Quiet!" our teacher yelled. So we went back to listening on class.

As soon as breaktime was announced, Danni pulled my arm to the music room. I couldn't help but smile. This is fun.

"Sit and watch! I'm not a liar!" she screams and I don't know why but I can't help but laugh to mock her.

"Shhh!" she quiets me down and she inhaled while positioning her arms around the guitar.

She started strumming.
And singing.

[Cause everytime I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place]

And I did get the tingles.
In my silly places.
My heart started thumping hard.
While I watch Danni sing her heart out.
Each strum she makes,
It felt like the vibrations travelled through my body so well.
It's making my nerves warm up.

Oh no. I'm too young for this.
Is this what they call a crush?

"Do you believe me now?" Danni asks after singing.

And I covered my mouth to hold in my smiles and probably, too happy face.

"Are you laughing at me?! You are always so annoying Neil!" Danni gestured to hit me with the guitar but did not continue.

My mouth just ran on its own when I said, "I could probably do that too. That's nothing special."

"Whatever! You're all talk. You don't even know how to play the guitar. Hmp!" she yelled and scoffed while she puts the guitar down and walked away from me with her annoyed stance.

I smiled and giggled again while I watch her walk away.

I'll learn the guitar, Danni.
So I could sing you that song.
And tell you, that I have a crush on you.


"Mrs. Morgan! Is Neil there? Can we play outside?" I hear my friends yelling through our gates.

My mom looked at me to ask if I'll go out but I immediately said before she can even utter to ask me, "Tell them no. I'm busy."

"He's busy now. Maybe tomorrow!" my mom yells out our window.

I practiced hard everyday. I asked my brother to teach me since he has a guitar. It was difficult at first but I really want to learn. I've had blisters on my hands from all the practice I did. But I didn't mind. Because I'm excited to sing this song to Danni.

It took weeks for me to perfect the song. And I finally, gathered courage to ask Danni so I can show her. Sing to her. And tell her.

"Danni, I can play the guitar now. Do you want to hear me?" I asked.

"Really? Okay. Let's see. Maybe you're lying." she says and I was a little excited. I even brought my brother's guitar to school just to show her. It was heavy along with my already heavy backpack. But I didn't mind.

It was our recess so I prepared myself to show her.

I began strumming and singing.
It was going so well until...
The guitar string suddenly snapped.

Danni laughed out loud from this.
Then she mockingly said, "What was that??!"

Somehow, I felt my eyes swelling a little from shame. I practiced so hard. I was even sleeping with the guitar. That's how much I use it. Why did it snap just now?

She was still continually laughing as she says, "Your guitar skills suck. You won't win any girl over like that. You'll be dumped, for sure. I'll dump you immediately. "

My tears just bursted out upon hearing her. I stood up and walked out.

I went to the clinic to lie and sleep. My tears wouldn't stop falling while I lay down. I cover my face with the pillow but I think my sobs and bawls are still heard by the school nurse. I told them I don't feel well. I asked to be fetched by my mom. And she did.

Crush? That's stupid.
Danni, I hate you so much.


NEMO: I'm sorry. I'm not familiar with that song. Can you choose something else?

That's a shame. I really liked that song, though. Why do I like that song again?

Oh right. It's because of Neil.
The annoying and menacing, Neil.
From high school.

DANNI: That's too bad. I really loved that song. You can just surprise me with any guitar cover you'll make. I'll appreciate anything you'd play, Nemo.

NEMO: ***typing***

NEMO: ***typing***

NEMO: ***typing***

NEMO: ***typing***

A few moments later...

Wow. Why is he taking so long to reply? Is he typing a novel or something?

NEMO: It's fine. I'll just learn that song for you again.

Again? Probably, a typo?

DANNI: Really? Thank you so much, Nemo! You're the best! Let me send you my gratitudes. Where can I send fan mails, gifts and packages for you?

NEMO: You're welcome. There's no need. It's fine 🙂




NEMO: Alright. Easy there. Just leave it at the coffee shop you tried to find me from. I'll take it from them.

DANNI: Okay👌 Thank you so much, Nemo!

That coffee shop. Is a really big clue!
Does he work there? Is he a regular?
I'll definitely come and find you this time, Nemo.

(to be continued)

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