Rain #11

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Kie pov

So...that is basically why we have been staying together every night, and in complete honesty it has helped a lot.

I slowly wake up but I wait for JJ so I don't wake him, plus I always go places with him. I cant explain it, I just don't trust anyone as much as I do JJ.

I know I am always independent but something has changed. The whole situation was just a really big shock for me and it shifted my whole personality and way I do things.

I turn over so I can still lay with him but I am now facing him and he looks so sweet asleep. He doesn't look as stressed or tired.

"Why are you staring?" He asks fluttering his eyes open and smirking at me.

"I'm not" I say as I turn and look up away from him and laugh a little.

I am now finally able to walk by myself and it feels so great not having to annoy JJ all the time.

He sits up next to me and runs his hands through his hair. I just watch and I have to say, it was really hot.

He gets up out of the tent and I follow behind as I go wake up John B and Sarah, and he wakes up Pope and Cleo.

We all walk to the shore to watch the waves. "Hey y'all wanna go for a swim?" John B asks.

"That actually sounds like a lot of fun" Pope adds.

"I'm down" JJ answers. "Same" I say to them. Cleo and Sarah both nod in agreement.

The guys take their shirts off and we had already taken our shirts of revealing a swimsuit type top.

John B runs into the water yelling "guys come on!"

"Is it cold?" Sarah asks him. "Uhhhhh not really, I mean it is colder than obx" he responds.

I see JJ run in and than me and Sarah instantly follow jumping in also. Next Pope and Cleo run in hand in hand.

I splash JJ when he gets close and he puts his hand on his heart dramatically gasping and we both laugh.

After maybe an hour of messing around and splashing each other I start to see big dark clouds rolling in.

I get a little nervous and go to fidget with my fingers but instantly realize the ring JJ gave me isn't on my finger.

I run out of the water to go look for it and the last time I was wearing it was in the woods when we were looking for food.

JJ pov

"Kie, where are you going!" I yell as I see her run out of the water.

"I will be right back!" She yells back at me still running.

I look at everyone else and they all have a confused look on their face just like me.

"Guys do you see those clouds?" Cleo asks pointing them out. "They remind me of the ones we have back home" she continues

"Is that a good or bad thing?" John B asks. "Well, usually it meant a hurricane was coming but this might just be a false alarm we will have to see." Cleo answers.

So she decided to run off right when a storm is coming, awesome. I know I have to go look for her.

It starts to pour down rain on us. "Guys I'm going to look for Kie" I say and run into the forest before anyone can say anything back.

The rain starts to feel worse and I can barely see anything through it. "Kiara!" I yell trying to listen if she yells back. "Kiara!" No answer. "Kie!"

I wait a little and hear her say "JJ?"  I immediately run in that direction.

"Yes Kie I'm right here!" I yell still looking for her.

I finally found her sitting by a tree and I ask "what are you doing here?" As I give her my hand to help her stand up.

"I'm just waiting out the storm" she says to me.

"No I mean why the hell would you run off so abruptly and not tell me why?" I kind of yell to her.

"Why are you so mad!" She says yelling back to me. "You could have died Kie!" I tell her running my hands through my hair.

"Why do you care!" She yells. I step closer to her and we are now face to face only inches apart.

"Because Kie, I..I love you" I say getting softer at the end feeling the rain all over my body.

I look down but before I could say anything she grabs my face with her hands and kisses me.

It was a warm passionate kiss. It wasn't like anything I had felt before. It was sweet and loving all at the same time.

I pulled her closer by her waist and she put her hands in my hair lightly tugging every once in a while.

She broke the kiss saying "I love you too" we both lean our foreheads together and I ask softly "really, why did you run out here?"

She leans back taking the ring off her finger saying "I lost this and I found it over by that tree" as she points to a big palm tree.

"Oh my gosh, you went back for that?" I ask slightly smiling.

"Of course I did, its a promise ring" she says looking up at me.

I move the wet hair from the rain out of her face and softly kiss her again but quickly this time.

The storm died out a little and it is only drizzling a little. "We should head back." I say holding her hand.

We both walk back to the others hand in hand.

Enjoy your day!
Hope you liked this chapter 😁

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