22 - Festival Competition [Part VIII]

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Berserk's ragged steps echoed through the empty hallways of the school. She cursed silently to herself. 'This feels strange. I haven't been in command for so long, I almost forgot what it was like to walk physically.'

Berserk turned a corner to head up the stairway but bumped into a large figure coming down the same way. "Hey, watch it-!!" Berserk shouted, furrowing her brows. Her eyes slowly looked up to the large person that was supposedly in her way.

Her eyes met two furious, raging blue eyes, that didn't seem to calm down the longer they stared.

Berserk noticed they weren't moving and wanted to go around them. But something about his stare kept her frozen in place. Berserk growled under her breath. "What do you want? I have somewhere to be, old man." She spat.

The "old man" she referred to was none other than Japan's #2 hero, Endeavor.

Endeavor stared down at the shorter girl with a much bigger attitude. It was strange because she was not acting this way during the competition. Something was different, but the number 2 hero decided to brush it off.

"You are... Takahashi?" Endeavor asked ignoring her previous bad attitude.

Berserk's eye twitched at the sound of the name. "Yeah." She responded between her teeth. "What's it to you?" Endeavor frowned frustratingly, as he heard her responses. They were all too similar to his youngest son's responses, which irked him even more.

"Your quirk, Elements... You have a lot of control over it, correct?" The Pro Hero asked.

Berserk huffed annoyingly, getting tired of the slow conversation. "Yeah, yeah, I do. So what? Why're you askin'?"

Endeavor hummed. "Nothing in particular. I'm just surprised how you have so much control over your quirk at such a young age. Especially with this type of quirk." Endeavor raised his fist to his line of sight. "Our quirks are a bit similar. Of course, your Elemental fire is far too weak compared to mine."

Berserk felt a vein pop on her forehead. "You wanna say that again, gramps? I'm second to nobody. Not even you Pro Heros. I'll be bigger than any of you!" She yelled to his face.

Endeavor's eyes narrowed. "Is that so? Then how do you plan on fixing your one big error, among others?"

"What're you talkin' about?" She slurred. Endeavor spread his palm and let a flame appear on his hand. The dark red and orange flames danced on his gloves, catching Berserk's eyes.

"Unlike myself, you control multiple elements and seem strong because of it. Of course, compared to many of your other classmates, you are strong. Controlling as many elements as you must be extremely difficult. But, of course, to Pro Heros who have their quirks mastered? You hardly have anything to boast about." He provoked.

Berserk clenched her fists tightly. "Being able to control multiple elements inside of you, keeping them concealed so they won't go out of control is something not everyone can do." Endeavor continued. "But... if you look at all of your element's individually... they're weak."

Berserk clenched her teeth, feeling her nails dig into her palms. "Oh yeah?" Berserk grinned. "Well, guess what? I-!"

"That's why I want to offer you, personally, an internship at my agency." Endeavor finished.

Berserk froze, her anger dissipating for a quick second of confusion. "A... what?"

Endeavor raised an eyebrow but continued, nonetheless. "I'm sure that right after the festival is concluded, your teachers will show you the internship offers you can choose from. I will be the first on your list, Y/n Takahashi."

Envisioned (Bakugo x Reader x Todoroki)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora