21 - Festival Competition. [Part VII]

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"All Right! Let's leave the tournament aside or a momentary interlude!!" Present Mic announced, over the excited cheers emitting from the diverse crowd.

Fireworks shot up in the air above the giant stadium.


The echo of Present Mic's voice died down as the crowd took over and Midnight began to narrate the start of the first recreational game. Mic shut off his microphone.

Present Mic slumped back in his chair, next to his commentating buddy, who didn't commentate much.

Mic glanced at Aizawa. He wanted to ask what was wrong, but that was pretty much the dumbest question he could ask. Especially sine he knew what the problem was.

He asked anyways.

"What's going on, mummy-man? This is U.A's Sports Festival. No need to let anything cause you to have a long face today."

Aizawa silently stared at the field, watching the students arrange themselves in teams for the first game. And other students participating in the finals leave the stadium.

Aizawa blinked. "There she goes."

Present Mic followed Aizawa's gaze to the particular student he had been watching out for. Y/n.

She might've disappeared from their... not so pleasant meeting a few minutes ago, but she knew her responsibility and returned right back to her spot in the stadium.

Aizawa sighed heavily, rubbing his hand. He slumped his aching head back onto his seat's cushioned foam, staring down at the papers that sat on the table in front of him.

Present Mic, after Y/n had ran away, ran after the girl, leaving Aizawa alone. But when he came back without the girl, both Aizawa and Present Mic knew there was no use looking for her. They'd just have to wait until she showed up on her own.

Mic didn't want to talk to Aizawa for a while, know he felt upset about Aizawa's decision in the meeting room.

Mic watched as Y/n left the arena alone, completely disappearing from the Pro Heroes' sights. Mic gulped, wearily. "Y'know, Eraser..." He frowned, crossing his arms as he turned his head away. "Y/n... looked real upset."

Aizawa furrowed his brows. "You think i don't know that?"

Present Mic clicked his tongue. "That's not what i mean!! She looked the most upset i've ever seen her before."

Aizawa stopped. Listening well to what his friend had to say. "Shota... what if... What if what happened in the past, happens aga-"

"It won't happen again." Aizawa cut off. "It can't. We've-"

"But what if it does?! We can't be too careful--"

Aizawa huffed, standing up, painfully. "That's strange. Never pegged you as the careful type, Mic."

"Tsk." Present Mic muttered under his breath. "Oh really? You can't say much either, huh?" He asked, eyeing his friend's heavily wrapped bandages.

Both Aizawa and Mic looked away from each other, already agitated with each other.

"I just..." Mic clenched his teeth, his eyes narrowing. "I just can't believe that you, of all people, would be fine with Y/n going away." He muttered. "That's not you, Shota."

Mic continued, whether or not Aizawa wanted to hear. "You would've fought for Y/n. Tried your best to keep her with you, even if it complicated things, because you know how to solve complicated issues."

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