16 - Featival Competition [Part II]

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A/N: hey, so, Takahashi can be a real bitch sometimes, cause that's just how she tends to act, and its partially revealed here in this chapter. So don't get upset if her attitude isn't how you want. Message me directly if you have any problems or concerns with the story. Thanks! :)





Y/n stared up at the large robots with a blank expression. 'I could fly over them with Air, or catch them off balance with Earth... It could make an entire barricade for the competitors who can't fly... But those who can would take an advantage.'

Todoroki let out a calm breath. "So this is what the other students faced in the entrance exams." 

Y/n couldn't help but roll her eyes. "I almost forgot you didn't take that test. You got in by recommendations." 

Todoroki frowned, trying not to look over to the girl, but did so anyways. "Didn't you get in by recommendation too?" 

Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Yeah. But i had to take the test." 

Todoroki looked up at the robots with a frown but somehow continued the dull conversation to get an answer. "Anyone who gets in my recommendation shouldn't have to take the regular entrance exam." 

Y/n's eyes darted from side to side, as she crouched down, slightly, her fingertips grazing the ground as she got into a defensive position. "I guess they made a mistake." She mumbled, curiosity now nudging her into questioning why such a small mistake was made by the most prestigious school in Japan. 

"Where does the school even get the funding for these things??" Yaoyorozu exclaimed from the back. 

The robot in the front began to take a step forward, its large clammy hand swooping down towards the front competitors, Y/n's attention was capture at the sound of Todoroki's voice. 

"They obviously went through a lot of trouble, but i wish they would've prepared something a little more difficult." He said as he drifted his right hand through the air, a cool mist beginning to gather up in his hand and foot. 

Y/n squinted, curiously. 'Is he going to pull off another big ice attack...?' 

Todoroki had taken a few steps away from Y/n, as he placed his frosty hand on the ground. Ice gathered up around him, covering a massive space with his quirk. "Especially since my dear old dad is watching." He said through his teeth with a sour look. 

The robot's hand flew in closer and Y/n took a step forward, bracing herself. But not for the robot's attack. 

Todoroki struck his hand in mid air, an abounding amount of ice shooting upwards towards the metal green robot. 

Y/n felt the ice graze her ever so slightly, but forced herself to ignore it, so she wouldn't connect with the element. Yet. 

The crackling ice covered the majority of the descending robot and froze its creaking build in place. 

Todoroki held his breath for a second, feeling the cold envelop him in a certain peace he couldn't find in using fire. 

Y/n stood up straight, lowering her arms as she eyed the boy, his receding figure running through the open space between the robot's legs. 

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