8 - Class Rep. First Encounter.

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"HEY! You're one of All Might's students, right?! How is All Might doing as a teacher here at U.A??" A reporter sticks her mic up to Y/n's face at the entrance of the school. Many reporters were lined up around the block and blocking the entrance of the school until the students answered the questions. 

"Uhm... H-He's a good teacher?" Y/n squinted, obviously uncomfortable with the crowd. "IS THAT A QUESTION OR A COMMENT??" The reporter yells. Y/n takes a step back. "U-UH- ANSWER?"

The news about All Might joining as a faculty member at U.A took the nation by surprise. Naturally, the media swarmed the school in search of a story. Everyone wanted to get their hands on  All Might. Yeah.... Everyone. 

"Decent work on yesterday's combat training you guys." Aizawa started as the bell ran for the beginning of homeroom class. "I saw the video feeds and went over each of your team's results." He turned to Bakugo at the front. "Bakugo. You're talented. So don't sulk like a child about your loss, okay?" 

Bakugo grunts. "Yeah, whatever." He mutters. 

"And Midoriya." Aizawa calls him out, making him flinch. "Ii see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again." Midoriya shrunk back. "Work harder and don't give me the excuse you don't have control over your quirk. That line's already getting old. You can't keep breaking your body while training here. But...your quirk will be really useful if you can get a handle on it." 

Midoriya's face lit up and Y/n smiled in the back, seeing Aizawa was beginning to warm up to his students. "So show a little urgency, huh?" 

Midoriya nodded. "Right!"

Aizawa looked around the classroom. "Alright. Let's get down to business. Our first task... will decide your future." 

A chill ran down everyone's spines, hearing the teacher's comment. "You all need to pick a class representative." Everyone deadpanned. How could he make his students feel so intimidated with a few misunderstood words?

In a normal classroom, a representative's duties would just mean a bunch of more work. But in the Hero Course, there was more to it. It was a chance to get noticed by agencies, and prove you can lead a team like a real Pro. 

Iida stood up from his seat. "SILENCE, EVERYONE, PLEASE!'

Everyone looked back at Iida. 

"The class representative's duty is to lead others. That's not something just anyone can do." He said. "You must first have the trust of every student in the classroom. Therefore, the most logical way to fill this position is democratically. We will chose an election to choose our leader." Iida held up his hand high in there, trembling slightly. 

It was kinda obvious he wanted the class to vote for him. 

"Uhm... is this really the best idea?" Kaminari asked, uncertain. Asui tapped her chin. "We've only known each other a ew days, how do we who we can trust?" 

"Besides, everyone'll just vote for themselves." Kirishima pointed out. Everyone began to bicker while Aizawa hid himself in his sleeping bag. "Do whatever you want, just decide before my nap's over." He fell to the side, taking a nap on the floor. 

Y/n placed her head on her palm, watching everybody bicker for a while longer then put in their votes. She put in one vote for Midoriya. They later displayed the results on the board, anticipating the winner of the most votes. 

Deku was in first with Y/n in second and Yaoyorozu in third. Deku sweat dropped seeing he had three votes. "HOW DID I GET FOUR VOTES?"

"And how did i get three?" Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow. Tokoyami and Asui looked back at her. "I place in my vote for you because you showed great leadership over our team in the matches." Tokoyami said. Asui smiled. "Me too!" Y/n smiled at them both. Bu then...who was the last one?

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