C33 Carlisle said No

Start from the beginning

Iridessa jumped up. " Oh no !," she called out , sprinting out of the room and yelling Emmet's name.

Edward shook his head , smiling to himself.

" Is she always like that? Loud, I mean".

His smile vanished. This was so not how he imagined his girlfriend would react to his baby sister's antics.

" No. She's just very hyperactive. Carlisle didn't believe in giving her medication for that . We all agreed."

" Oh ."

" We all raised her ,Bella. She's our little troublemaker, but we love her."

" Troublemaker? Is that why she's been attending boarding school?"

Edward shook his head. " No. Her name was on a list since birth. As was Carlisle's. That school is over a thousand years old. As a Cullen, her name was placed on the list . The rest of us aren't true Cullens. And we're Vampires. It would've been hard faking being eleven. Now , I'm finished packing ,so.... let me take you home. Our flight leaves in three hours and we need to get to Seattle first."

Bella's expression turned glum. " Are you sure I can't come? Edward, I'm scared that you won't come back to me. Please take me with you ?"

Edward pinched the bridge of his nose. Ever since she heard that she won't be going with him, she pestered him about it. It was getting old very fast.

" Bella, I can't. We have laws with this type of thing. You're not supposed to know about us."

" But Esme said that you have a house near Ottery St Catchpole. I've never been to England before. I'd really like to see it. Please Edward?!"

Edward groaned softly in frustration

" Bella. I . Can't ! I am not authorised to_"

Carlisle strode into the room cutting him off. " Edward , Bella's Dad is here to pick her up. We should get going also. Take your suitcase to your car, I'll talk to Bella."

Edward nodded, picking up his suitcase, looking sadly at Bella. " I'm sorry, Bella, but it's for the best." He walked out of the room leaving Carlisle alone with the difficult girl.

"Bella, we're not going away forever. We're just attending a wedding. It's not safe for you to attend it . Nor to come with us. You are also injured. Not fit for traveling. I'm  sorry. Now , let's get you to your father. "

Bella let him lead her, her shoulders slumped in defeat, but she couldn't help but glare at the caramel blonde girl standing in the front parlour, with a suitcase by her feet and a Lion King stuffy in her arms.

It was all this girl's fault that she had to stay behind, she just knew it.

This girl came to ruin her life with her mere presence. Oh how she hated her.
Iridessa smiled at her politely, ignoring the glare. She was told to be nice to Edward's girlfriend by Alice. Though, Alice seemed less happy with said girlfriend's attitude these days.

Bella didn't let up with her  glaring  until she was out of sight. Only then did she stop.

Iridessa's smile dropped and she picked up the suitcase and made her way to her father's car.
" Bella, look , I'm really sorry, but it's for the best ,okay?"

Iridessa stood beside her brother at the airport while her parents went to meet Sirius at the Wizarding side of Heathrow airport. There was no surprise that there's even a Wizarding side like at King's Cross station.

This one actually handled International travel from other Wizarding communities worldwide.

Sirius promised to wait for them there. He'd already organised a portkey to Ottery St Catchpole. There was only some paperwork that the Cullen parents had to fill out while the kids waited.

" I know. I understand. I just miss you , Edward. How's London? Is it cold?"

" Yeah, a little. We're used to it ,though. It's raining outside. How are you coping with ....you know, the cast ?"

" As well as I can. I'll survive. Gosh, I wish I could be there with you. Dad wasn't happy that I actually wanted to go abroad. He stopped me from buying a ticket. I ...I wanted to surprise you. Now ...."

" It's better this way, Bells. Carlisle would've been furious. Look, I gotta go. Carlisle's here with Uncle Sirius. I'll call from the house."

" Um...okay, talk to you then?"

" Yeah, bye." He hung up , sighing heavily.

The next thing he knew was Sirius hugging him before  moving to Iridessa after that.

He put on a brave smile. His heart feeling like lead. He missed Bella also . But he understood that Bella wasn't allowed to know the other side of their world.

"Uncle Sirius, did you seriously cut your hair?," he heard Iridessa ask with a laugh in her voice.

Sirius laughed. " Yes, Remy says I look good. Personally, I loved my long hair. Come on, let's get you home , Little Darling."

Edward smiled as Sirius wrapped an arm around Iridessa's shoulders.

Sirius really looked different. It was probably the bracelet on his arm that matched the Cullens'.

It only had another crest on it ,though. The Black family crest.

They took a portkey from the airport to Ottery St Catchpole and from there they drove to The Burrow to greet the Weasley family first before they went to their house.

Sirius's car was huge from the inside and Emmet said out loud that he needed to get himself one.

Sirius only laughed at that as they drove into the yard of the Weasley home, where security seemed to be tight.

Iridessa's face lit up when she saw Harry , Ron and Hermione standing with Arthur Weasley and the twins.

She immediately scrambled out, climbing over Edward and Jasper to get to them.

Hermione laughed happily as she hugged her first before moving on to the boys.

" I didn't think you'd come," Ron admitted as she hugged him.

" Daddy had to get time off from work to come. How's everything? Are you guys coping?"

An arm went around her shoulders and another around her waist.

" A little nosy ,are we?," two almost identical voices asked jokingly.

She looked to her left and then to her right. " Hello ,Gred and Forge , aren't you a sight for sore eyes."

" Well, thank you , Little Lady," George said, giving her a wide smile," Did you see? I'm holy." He pointed to the ear-less side of his head.

She stared, but only for a moment. " Awe, but you're unique now ,yeah?"

His smile widened. " Yeah."

The two let her go and she moved to take Harry's hand, leading him away from the group.

" Are you okay?," she asked softly.

He nodded ." Yeah. I mean I get nightmares, but I'm coping. You?"

" My family keeps me grounded. Edward's got himself a girlfriend now. Wouldn't say I like her , but it's his life. So... I'm not going back to Hogwarts in September. My Daddy decided it's best if I go to Ilvermorny instead. How about you? Hermione said that you might not go back there."

" Hermione's right. I am not going back. It's better this way. I'm going to do something Dumbledore left me instructions to do. I can't tell you what it is , though. I'm sorry."

She nodded moving in to hug him. " It's okay,Harry. I understand. I'm just glad you're okay. And you're here!"

He smiled, closing his eyes, hugging her tightly.

He really missed her. Not even her brothers glaring at him could change that.
It's the beginning of winter here and it's icy. I don't love winter, but I guess the earth needs a bit time to cool off from the harsh summer heat.

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