Chapter 10 - Tea, and Not The Food.

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"Hey Austin, I'm out the back, could you please bring me a robe, I transformed and don't know where my leggings and shirt went" I linked to Austin as I was crossing the training fields.

I looked up to see April staring out the window at me, the same hair raising, off feeling waves over me however this time being in Kora's form, she snarls and her hackles go up on end. Pushing her to keep moving to the back porch is a struggle.

Austin links back to me "God, Kacey are you ok, I'm coming with a robe, just a heads-up Emma is with me, hasn't left my side since you ran out"

I huff a bit, realising my un-detection isn't going to plan, I come up close just as Austin and Emma come through the back door.

Austin hands Kora the robe she takes it in her mouth, they both turn around so I can transform back into my body, Kora is still on edge from the snarling at seeing April watching us, she really isn't a fan of her, so I have to give her a little nudge, she is not wanting me to come forward, this is unusual for us to tussle like this for frontage, she eventually gives in.

"Kacey, what's happening" Austin asks impatiently, back still turned. He knows it never takes this long for Kora to let me through.

"Sorry Kora is on edge" is all I reply as I wrap the robe around me.

Austin turns and the look on his face makes me kick myself, I should have spoken to him before I ran off, he has obviously been worried sick. I embrace him needing a hug quickly "I'm sorry I ran off; I really needed some fresh air"

"I get that KiKi but you have been gone for hours, I've been so worried, what the hell happened" he replied.

At this point Emma meets us "Hey girlie, want a cuppa"

"Yes please, is anyone inside?"

"Not that I'm aware of, I can bring it to your room if you want"

I could kiss her "Yes please" I say releasing a breathe.

Austin guides me through the living area and into the guest quarters where we have been staying and straight into my room, he closes the door behind me and goes to sit at my desk. "OK spill little lady, what the hell is going on"

I take a few breaths; I can smell him everywhere and I hate that it clouds my head. Just even thinking these words I'm about to say, has tears pushing their way out.

"I found my mate Austin, he is here" is all I can make out past the tightening in my throat.

Eyes widening "Ok, so why aren't you over the moon and happy and more to the point, with him" he asks.

Just then Emma knocks lightly on the door and pushes it open. "Here Kacey, tea and I saved you some dinner too" She looks up and see me crying. She hurries inside closing the door and putting my dinner on my bed side table. She comes over and embraces me in such a way, I don't think I've ever felt this kind of warmth from someone of my own age, its very much appreciated.
"Hey, chicka what's up" She squeezes me tighter "I knew something was off before that meeting even went ahead" she said patting the back of my head and she holds me.

"Look if you want me to go, just say the word if it's a private family thing, however I'm a good listener and I'm here for you" she said releasing me.

I wipe my eyes and decide that I can trust her and may need her help soon, so I take a second to try and clear my head, as she moves away.

"Well, its just that today I met my mate, but they looked at me like I was completely non-existent and they didn't have any of the signs I was having and its all so freaking wrong, Kora is heartbroken, I'm heartbroken, she can sense him but can't get to him, I can feel him and smell him but he just looks straight through me" I say through sniffles.

I'm met with two sets of eyes that are wide and full of sympathy.

Austin recovers first "What do you mean didn't have any signs, so you felt everything, the zap, Kora said Mate, the smell? everything?"

I nodded

"But they didn't even respond"

I nodded again

"What the hell, what does that mean" he says.

"Who is it Kacey" Emma whispers.

I swallow, this is what I was dreading, having to say this, when he apparently already has a mate. I put my head in my hands.

"God this is going to be such a mess" I raise my head back up looking at them I say "Its Alpha Anders" 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2022 ⏰

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