Chapter 7 - Anders

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"Wait, how do you know, you haven't even seen him"

"I've got this Kacey, he is definitely our Mate, I can smell him through the walls" she said back, pushing so hard at the mental wall, that I was struggling not to shift.

Look she wasn't wrong; the smell of citrus and sandalwood was prominent but I still think its something the cleaners are using. I take a few deep breaths "Kora, take it back a bit, if our mate is out there, we don't want to scare him away"

I just manage to calm Kora down a little, I grab my plate and coffee cup from lunch and go to take it to the kitchen, I look down at what I'm wearing just in case it is our Mate. I've got on jeans and a Harley Davidson crop top and my vans, looking in the mirror I still see little 12 yr old me looking back in her over sized band tees and converse. I still definitely dress for comfort.

I flatted my hair, add some lip balm and head on out, hoping and praying that my mate is here. I move across the lounge hearing a bunch of voices still in the door way, the smell picking up and getting stronger, not wanting to look like I'm spying I force my legs to move towards the kitchen, fighting with Kora the whole way. I place the plate and cup in the dishwasher and hang around hoping they will come in for refreshments and I can meet who has this intoxicating smell, was it a warrior they bought home with them or one of their security team, No Karl greeting him casually, maybe it was The Star packs Beta, Jimmy? He has no mate that I have seen or heard of.

I'm trying to make a cup of coffee but doing it at a snail pace so it looks like I'm actually doing something. The Kettle finishes boiling and still no one has come in, I'm adding milk to my coffee and sugar and finally the group walk in.

That same over powering smell that has lingered around smacks me as a giant of a man walks in talking to Karl and Emma, the Alpha must be visiting his mate. He stops when he sees me and my mind in blank.

He has to be 6'5 dark blonde hair that could be mistaken for brown but as the light hits the ends, you can see the blonde, hazel eyes that have a darkness there, that I can't quiet figure out. He is muscular and broad but not like a body builder just like a... giant.

I want to walk over to him and curl myself around him and never let go, but he looks away from me as Emma says "Ah here you are, this is Kacey"

This beast of man walks towards me with his hand out stretch and I'm still standing there with my mouth open, catching flies and drooling into my mug. As I come to my senses Kora is going off whining scratching "Why can't I feel his wolf" she said.

I blocked her out the best I could for a minute.

Stretching out my hand, after an awkward pause "Hi, yes, I'm Kacey, Warrior trainer, how are you, oh but of course you know my job title, it's your job to know who's in and out of the pack" laughing and rambling awkwardly. Emma gives me a puzzled look. I have always been confident in who I am, so stumbling over my words is a new one for me. When we shook hands, the feeling was incredible it was this zap of energy as we met and as I held it, everything felt right. I just wanted him to pull me into a tight embrace and never leave;

but he didn't.

He looked at my hand and then back at me eye brows furrowed. As he broke the handshake, he said more to himself "hmm weird"

Kora was still scratching at the back of my mind, clearly unhappy with the less than excited response he was having.

After floundering around with the introduction of myself, I turned to Emma to try find common ground and get away from this awkward exchange "Hey Emma is the Alpha here? Id really love to have a meeting with him about the training"

Emma laughed and looked at Karl "Kacey this is Alpha Anders"

I'm sure the look of shock on my face would have been comical "oh Alpha I apologise for my casual introduction, I though you were the Beta.."

Hang on a second my brain scrambles.... Why have I been mated with an Alpha and no less and Alpha who seems to not realise and who has a mate, my mind is going crazy, Kora is scratching and whining trying to get out.

Just as I said that another guy walked into the kitchen "I'm starving... wait, did she just say she though Anders was the Beta" you could see the laughter in his eyes.

Anders shot him a look "Jimmy, pipe down, this is Kacey she has been here training the warriors with her brother Austin"

"Nice to meet you Kacey, I'd be interested to see what the changes have been" Jimmy said, leaning over the table to shake my hand.

I'm sure my face is as red as a beet, I'm so embarrassed, I reach for his hand and shake it.

"Yes, I would like to sit down with you all" I said moving my focus to my coffee cup.

With my brain still whirling with 100 questions, I feel deflated, why isn't he acting how I was always told your mate will act when you find them, why is he so formal. I look back at him as Jimmy moves to the fridge, he looks at me and is holding my gaze, maybe he is just trying to be polite. "Would you like to do that meeting now then" he said abruptly.

"Yes, that would be great" 

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