Chapter 5 - Who is she

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After training I headed into my room, it had a small desk and I was answering emails when someone knocked, Emma came in "Hey Kacey, Karl would like an update, he is in the Alphas office, I can take you if you like"

"no worries" I said; standing and grabbing my iPad.

Emma chats animatedly about her day so far as she leads me up the stairs to the biggest office overlooking the training yard.

"Karl, I have Kacey" Emma said opening the door, as soon she opened the door the smell of Orange, Sandalwood and Vanilla hit me like a brick wall. I coughed a little as I inhaled sharply.

Emma looked at me, my eyes watered a little, the smell felt like it was suffocating me, however it was in all the right way, it was so overwhelming but comforting and made me feel the safest I have ever felt. Kora purred and rolled over on her back in a full submission mode, which was unusual Kora submitted for NO ONE.

"You ok Kacey" Emma said grabbing my arm looking at me concerned.

"Yea" I muttered "Just an overwhelming orange scent and Kora my wolf is being weird, I'm all good" shaking my head like I'm trying to get rid of a fly.

Emma's eyes flew to Karl, then back to me "Oh ok" was all she said then she let me entre.

Alpha Anders office was spacious and open, but his décor was dark wood and leather, it was stunning and looked very professional.

I sat down "Hi, Emma said you were wanting an update" I gave Karl and update about the improvements the team are showing, he was very happy and informed me he would be down for tomorrow morning session.

After our meeting I got up to leave, but before I left there was a burning question "hey Karl can I ask a random question"

He looked over at me "Yea sure"

"There is a tall blonde woman, upstairs and she keeps watching the training but I never see her around, who is she?" I say in a rush, trying not to sound like I'm too nosey.

Karl scrunched his nose "Ohhh that must be Luna April, yea she doesn't come down much, stays on the fourth floor, she's only lived with us for 6 months or so"

"oh ok, well if she is interested in training, she is more than welcomed to join, she seems interested these last few days that's all" I added trying to give a reason as to why I'm being nosey.

Karl let out a bark of laughter "HA, you are kind but she won't leave her area, but if she expresses interest ill let her know its ok" he said still chuckling.

I took that as a good que to leave, I went and showered and got ready for dinner, I only had 3 more days here before the Alpha and Beta were back and I was hoping for a quick meeting with them when they get back and then Austin and I can be on our way home, I miss Mum and Dad, I mean it's nice having Austin with me but his spare time is sat on the phone to Tarryn, so it will be good to have some company.

If the next two training days go well, I think day 3 will be a pool challenge day, I haven't been swimming in nearly 3 weeks and Kora is missing the water terribly.

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