Chapter 9 - Do I Run?

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As I high tail out of the study, down the corridor, down the stairs, I feel warm water on my face and I am cracking, those are tears I realise as I sprint for the back door.

Once I'm out the doors, I am stripping down quickly and running trying not to face plant because I can feel Kora pushing to the surface and I won't be able to hold her back. I get to my sports bra and undies and leap into the air, not worrying about them and transforming into my wolf form.

As I land onto the grass with my white paws, I run past the training fields and into the woods. Taking a back seat, I begin to sob harder as Kora lets out a heart broken howl.

We run and run and run until our legs are sore, needing to feel the burn of exercise to know we are still alive, the fissure in my chest feels real and not just emotions, Kora is howling and growling and whining, unsure of how to process these emotions, why didn't he feel what we felt? the electrical charge when he shook my hand, the smell, why can't Kora get to his wolf? What is happening?

He is an Alpha, with a Luna, this must not be the mating bond.
"it is, but something is wrong" Kora interrupts my revelry.

"What do you mean, wrong, what could you sense" I say to her.

She takes a while to reply, I'm about to say something, when she says;

"It's like he doesn't have a wolf, but I can smell the wolf, I can see him, but he can't see us and other things he should be able to see, maybe not so much like he doesn't have a wolf, but like his wolf is blindfolded" she says softly.

I take in her words but what is still really confusing me is; "Kora he has a mate, his Luna, this is all wrong, I don't think I can go back into that house" I can hear the defeat in my voice.

"Something isn't adding up, he is definitely our mate Kacey, you can't just give up, I need my mate, we need our mate" She snaps getting defensive at me, I know she is worried ill run and never come back, because that is exactly how I feel. I'm embarrassed, this is so awkward and awful, how am I meant to carry on with anything if my so-called mate looks through me like I don't exist.

Kora eventually comes to a slower run as we hit the boundary of our woods. I must have been running for ages. I stop and stare at my patch of the woods, home, where I am safe and away from embarrassment. Do I continue walking and get Austin to bring my stuff home with him on Sunday and walk into the embrace of my mum and dad, cry on their shoulder and get the support and comfort I need right now or do I turn around, walk into a house where I don't want to be, that is going to physically hurt my heart and soul to be in, however I finish the project, keep my work ethic and dignity, and maybe just maybe try and figure out what is happening. I sit and stare at my patch of woods for an age, until I finally turn my ass around move back in the direction I came. I have never run away from a hard cause; I have never buried my head in the sand when it has come to any other hardship I have faced. So, I'm not about to start. I need to get as much information about Anders as possible, maybe do some research about feeling a mating bond to someone already mated, even if that is a thing. I make a plan in my head as I walk back to The Star pack, I work better with a plan and structure. I want to talk to Austin, Mum and maybe even Em, not much gets past her so I'm sure she will ask about my hasty exit from the meeting.

The plan I formulate in my mind is; get inside undetected and find something to eat and hide in my room to formulate more of my plan.

I can feel Kora judging me.

"I'm not a coward" I say to her.

"Never said you were" she said back, I can hear the monotonal flatness to her voice. If I wasn't already heart broken, that cracked my last bit holding on. Kora has always been optimistic, my voice of confidence and I value her, this is the first time I have ever felt her so deflated, if anything, it is that, that is giving me reason to figure out what is going on.

The walk back takes a while, by the time I see the backyard clearing I mind link Austin to bring me a robe, it is dark and I'm hoping to slip in and head straight to my room and maybe tell Austin what is going on.

Bound to Fate, Ruined with Magicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें