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  After hearing Kang Aiguo's words, Shen Yuyu nodded to Kang Aiguo and left with Bian Lili.

After they got home, Shen Yuyu poured a glass of water for Bian Lili, and asked Bian Lili, "Are you in a better mood now ?"

Give it to Uncle Kang."

"Actually, I had already thought about this on the way back. The reason why my aunt was unwilling to marry Uncle Kang was because I was worried about the two of us.

So we just need to let my aunt know that even if she is married, We can also live well, so there is no reason for my aunt not to marry Uncle Kang."

Shen Yuyu nodded after listening to Bian Lili's words, and then he asked Bian Lili, "What can we do to make My aunt knows that even if she gets married, we can live well?"

"Of course, I cook a meal for my aunt."

"Cooking? Are you sure." Shen Yuyu looked at Bian Lili's words with a half-smiling smile. Bian Lili said.

"Hehe... The last time was just an accident. This time, there will definitely be no such thing as bombing the kitchen. Besides, I have the memory of the original owner. As long as I act according to the memory, there will definitely be no problem."

"Okay, I'll give you a shot, just so we can take this opportunity to verify whether the reduced space is related to learning skills."

"Okay, then let's go to the kitchen to boil water first." Bian Lili walked towards the kitchen after speaking. .

When she entered the kitchen, she was dumbfounded when she saw the stove that was about the same height as hers, and then she swallowed and asked Shen Yuyu, "Stinky fish, do you think we can really cook a meal? "

It should be possible. I know from memory that the original owner of your body has been helping my aunt to cook since the age of eight, so you should have no problem."

"I also think I have no problem, then you are responsible for burning the fire ." , I'm responsible for washing the pot and adding water."


After more than half an hour, Bian Lili and Shen Yuyu finally boiled a pot of water with a soil stove, but at this moment they were too tired, and now they are sitting on the ground with their backs to their backs to rest.

After more than ten minutes, Bian Lili felt less tired, so she said to Shen Yuyu: "Stinky fish, what are we going to do tonight?"

"Pumpkin porridge, basically this family eats pumpkin porridge at night."

"Okay, then let's cook pumpkin porridge, it's easy."

"Well, I'll go to the barn to get the pumpkin, you scoop the water from the front pot to the back pot."

"Okay." Get up and pick up the water spoon made of gourd, and then spoon the water from the front pot to the back pot one by one.

After she scooped all the water into the back pot, she saw that Shen Yuyu hadn't come back, so she took out the key and opened the door of the cabinet, then grabbed a small handful of rice from the rice bucket with her hands, washed it, and poured it into the pot.

Bian Lili looked at the small grain of rice in the pot, and really wanted to wash a few more rice and put it in the pot to cook.

But she knew she couldn't do this, because the family's food was running out, and it was March, when the green and yellow were not picking up, if she put so much rice into the pot to cook, Lu Xueyu would definitely scold her, And even more would not agree to marry Kang Aiguo.

"What are you thinking?" Shen Yuyu asked Bian Lili when she saw Bian Lili staring at the pot in a daze when she took the pumpkin into the kitchen.

"Nothing, give me the pumpkin."

"Wait, I'll remove the skin first."

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